Recent content by mrjimyjohn

  1. M

    Sena Battery Replacement

    Might be worth trying sena warranty. They may exclude battery degradation but i had a good experience when they replaced my 5S after it randomly became unresponsive
  2. M

    Downtown Toronto (Queen and John) parking

    Simcoe/king always has tons of bikes on nice days. There may be one even closer to you.
  3. M

    22y/o looking to get into riding!

    One thing I haven’t seen posted here is the myth of 25. There is no drastic step change at this age. Yes rates will be lower than a 24yo all else equal but not by much. Years insured has a much larger effect
  4. M

    January Motorcycle Supershow - Jan 5-7 at International Center

    Anyone know the events schedule? Would love to catch some of the shows without hanging all day
  5. M

    January Motorcycle Supershow - Jan 5-7 at International Center

    much to find here in the way of motocross gear? Already N+1 for the spring, cant go into the woods in a shoei
  6. M

    Kingston and Brimley

    GWS to both riders. Link shows footage of a mississauga crash, date not clear.
  7. M

    Riding on the HOV vs normal lanes.

    lane discipline is nonexistent in the GTA and the HOV lanes don’t much change that. Expect drivers to cross the double lines without hesitation
  8. M

    Favourite spots to park downtown

    Interested in hearing more. I’ve been lucky tucking away in parking garages but probably wouldn’t try that somewhere daily
  9. M

    Speed camera threshold?

    I don’t think the speed cameras use radar?
  10. M

    Motorcycle Supershow - International Center - Jan 6-8

    Would love to have an excuse to go. Never been and this is my first winter after riding! If nothing else would the show be a good opportunity to try on helmets from different manufacturers and find a better fit?
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