I can show you the quote. Basically the idiots... I mean people at MTO/Drive On are REQUIRING $200,000 liability coverage PER VEHICLE for dame/theft etc. Legally there was NO requirement for this before but most shops had $30-50,000 coverage in their policy. Frankly I can't remember the last...
That was one of my biggest concerns: Who is 'one the other end' of the submitted Cert to approve/reject? Are THEY a licensed tech or a 'no gray area' algorithm?!?!
OMG. I called the Ontario MTO acting like a motorcyclist that can't find a shop to certify a bike...and THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT!
I was told "motorcycles are not affected by the new program, only Heavy Truck/commercial vehicles"
This is just great.
So I called the DriveOn program people...
New Vehicle Inspection Centre requirements etc
1.Costs to Shop owners:
·Shops must have $3million in Liabilty insurance (most had $2)
·Shops must have $200,000 vehicle damage insurance (how may 200k bikes will we see!?!??!)
·Shops must have the required approved tools to do inspections.
last time I send this bloody application back for yet another STUPID reason! They could not have made this process MORE aggravating!!!!
If they kick it back again... that's it, I'm OUT of the program.
Anybody looking to buy or sell a motorcycle starting next March, get ready for a huge hassle...
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