Recent content by Julia

  1. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    Everyone saw "pretty woman" movie but they didn't make " pretty woman 2".... No one knows what happened after happy end ....
  2. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    Yes some, because there are loyal women too with dignity, honor and great respect to man
  3. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    To bring just a woman from overseas is one thing but to bring a prostitute is a different story . Especially considering that some women are prostitutes by nature and just love their job! Business and pleasure they say ((
  4. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    And again guys, I am not here to judge or make fun about the thread . Just sharing my friends stories and who knows who is right and who is wrong .
  5. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    Exactly ! True ! the divorce rate is very high because of not real marriages ! People go for anything to get here
  6. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    In most of my friends experience .... Men were married with kids and instead of working on relations , sex life , etc. , they decided to have fun on a side .... Results are not always the best ones. women are evil .... Sad to say ... But what woman can do , man can't think of that at all...
  7. J

    one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

    So sad (( based on my male friends experience - it happens all the time (( wait until she gets her Canadian papers and she will show him " the true love"((( my neighbour - in his late 40s, wealthy , not handsome but very smart man, met a woman on line and fell in love with her. She is Bulgarian...
  8. J

    New female rider in Vaughan
  9. J

    New female rider in Vaughan

    I am talking about WAIST HOLSTERS, Hip Holsters . Looks awesome ))) Lara Croft style but it's unisex )))
  10. J

    New female rider in Vaughan

    If anybody is interested in cool and very stylish case holsters for riding, please email me and I will give u the information where to buy it. I met one girl at the group meet up and she was kind enough to share with me the info ))) it is unisex
  11. J

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? I am)))
  12. J

    Riding in Moscow

    Блин, а если ребенок на дорогу выбежит What if a child jumps on the street ��
  13. J

    Don't be messin' with Russian bikers!

    Точно So true
  14. J

    New female rider in Vaughan

    Please don't forget about Kawasaki Wednesday Leslie and York Mills ( second cup)
  15. J

    Russian vigilante

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