Recent content by ifiddles

  1. ifiddles

    Don't forget to file your taxes

    it's 1-800-959-8281...I called a couple of times already because of a form T1198 and what to do with it...
  2. ifiddles

    YYZ Plane Crash

    Serious question, not being sarcastic or anything else, but what is the difference?
  3. ifiddles

    Best GTA shop to buy all the gear?

    I have men's gear for sale listed here in classifieds
  4. ifiddles

    YYZ Plane Crash

    interview with a survivor...
  5. ifiddles

    Another Mike Holmes Stinker (Meaford)

    Showed up in my news feed
  6. ifiddles

    900,000 students coming in…

    I loved the part where it talked about the possibility of them entering the US for thought especially in light of what's going on south of us...
  7. ifiddles

    900,000 students coming in…
  8. ifiddles

    No Cheque

    hubby got his last week and I got mine today...I tried that website posted earlier but kept getting an error...
  9. ifiddles

    Stealerships Stories... Got one?

    just buy've been going on and on about a new car, a new house, a new bike for long did it take for you to commit to your wife? LMAO :D
  10. ifiddles

    COVID and the housing market

    Why? What's wrong with your house? Why would you want to get into that kind of situation at your age/stage in life? Why not just enjoy what you have (improve it if need be) and spend that extra money on experiences for/with your family? I don't understand the never-ending cycle of upgrading...
  11. ifiddles

    Good news thread
  12. ifiddles

    Anyone here a cyclist?

    anyone here have or can suggest an e-bike? thinking of possibly getting a couple for hubby and myself...nothing extreme, just enough juice so we can go on longer rides (the most we've done is 20km)...don't want to break the bank either so hoping to stay under $1,000 each...thanks!
  13. ifiddles

    If You Could Turn Back Time

    that's what hubby keeps reminding me of....he mentioned it and I said it was a scam and not to do it... :(
  14. ifiddles

    Headed North - The Lemonade Tour

    I remember that thread...sorry, I didn't make the connection to it being you as bad...
  15. ifiddles

    Headed North - The Lemonade Tour

    @oomis great write up on your adventure and reimagining did teaching work out?
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