Recent content by Gotta_Be_SV

  1. Gotta_Be_SV

    Do you still have GSXR parts avail? I am intrested in the front mirrors with the integrated turn...

    Do you still have GSXR parts avail? I am intrested in the front mirrors with the integrated turn signals.
  2. Gotta_Be_SV

    Howdy, I am looking for more riders to go on some evening rides with in my area. I am new to the...

    Howdy, I am looking for more riders to go on some evening rides with in my area. I am new to the Oakville/Mississauga/Brampton area. I need a tour guide. Hope to hear from you at some point. Cheers
  3. Gotta_Be_SV

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    My First Child... and Im sure not my last.. Mine is in blue my buddies is in Silver and yep that is an Airplane in the back gotta love nights sometimes...
  4. Gotta_Be_SV

    Word association game

    Sock Puppets
  5. Gotta_Be_SV

    Word association game

    Drop Out
  6. Gotta_Be_SV

    Word association game

  7. Gotta_Be_SV

    Word association game

    Rock, and Lazy
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