Recent content by Gary

  1. Gary

    Any Movement on Price

    I sold my '23 for $16.5 with less than 3,000kms, with extra goodies.
  2. Gary

    Good news thread

    I've mowed down a container of their French vanilla every three days for's the best!! Smothered in sucker's chocolate syrup of course.
  3. Gary

    What did you do in your garage today..?

    If you can find a small spray bottle of S100, it'll be the least amount of work. Spray on, hose off. It gets into all the nooks & crannies.
  4. Gary

    What did you do in your garage today..?

    It's an original 350 that came with the bike. The bike will be better than new when he's done......the man is genius. I saw it just after the frame was freshened up, last autumn.
  5. Gary

    Buying a vehicle (non motorcycle) as is from private vs dealer

    It's obvious. It's a ford. As a retired ford's a hard pass, even with my discount. And there's this......
  6. Gary

    Used bike online listings.

    A few weeks ago, the GP Bike's hauler went by my house, to my surprise. Found out later, the young feller at the corner sold his bmws1000rr to them.
  7. Gary

    Big Screen Television

    This is exactly our 1st tv.
  8. Gary

    Banks and credit cards

    Indeed. Stop losses can be useful. I'm amazing at setting them. For instance.......I use one for it necessary? Not likely. I didn't use it for Lion Electric, even though that "voice in my skull" kept telling me to. Look where that got me. ($4.50 to $.34. A trading halt, and...
  9. Gary

    Banks and credit cards

    I've seen those. I prefer your 1st link........ Interested in someone's personal stash, who's doing well. MP??? I don't borrow from anything to invest, or to buy chit. My tfsa is fulla divi payers. DIV.TO being my largest & longest tfsa holding. They fire lotsa shares at me every month (drip)...
  10. Gary

    Big Screen Television

    Nope. We didn't have the baller rotating antenna on a tower. Ours was on a 4' pole, wire strapped to the chimney, all the way until "cable tv".
  11. Gary

    Banks and credit cards

    I'm not getting any younger here.......hurry up!!! lol. DIV.TO.
  12. Gary

    Big Screen Television

    Like a fool, I bought one of the 1st flat screens. 30" Envision. $2400. I remember the old boy buying our 1st tv.......not colour. The 1st colour tv we got was a Westinghouse.
  13. Gary

    No Cheque

    Got mine today.
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