Gary's latest activity

  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Used bike online listings..
    A few weeks ago, the GP Bike's hauler went by my house, to my surprise. Found out later, the young feller at the corner sold his...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to oioioi's post in the thread Canada for the WIN! with Like Like.
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to Lightcycle's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    Yep, and even if they manage to match the index, their higher MER kiboshes your returns, which compounds over time, the longer you keep...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to GreyGhost's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    And most of those studies are before they take their cut. That just adds insult to injury when they charge you to suck.
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to Lightcycle's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    Dunno about that. Everything I've read seems to point that index funds consistently beat professionally managed funds. Depending on...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to GreyGhost's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    Everytime I try stop losses, they cause me losses. Literally 100% of the times I tried. I end up triggering a sale on a quick drop...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to Scuba Steve's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    Everything I use them I get burned on a bounce and when I don't it goes into freefall Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Big Screen Television.
    This is exactly our 1st tv.
  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Banks and credit cards.
    Indeed. Stop losses can be useful. I'm amazing at setting them. For instance.......I use one for it necessary? Not...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to Lightcycle's post in the thread Banks and credit cards with Like Like.
    Can I get in on this list too? Asking for a friend... who's asking out of curiousity...
  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Banks and credit cards.
    I've seen those. I prefer your 1st link........ Interested in someone's personal stash, who's doing well. MP??? I don't borrow from...
  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Big Screen Television.
    Nope. We didn't have the baller rotating antenna on a tower. Ours was on a 4' pole, wire strapped to the chimney, all the way until...
  • Gary
    Gary replied to the thread Banks and credit cards.
    I'm not getting any younger here.......hurry up!!! lol. DIV.TO.
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to GreyGhost's post in the thread Electric Lawn Mower? with Like Like.
    Great northern battery in Hamilton has rebuilt power tool batteries for decades. You bring them the dead ones and they replace the cells...
  • Gary
    Gary reacted to FullMotoJacket's post in the thread Big Screen Television with Like Like.
    I'm assuming that like me, you were the remote.
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