Recent content by Brian P

  1. B

    Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2024 Edition)

    I got out for a short hop today, too.
  2. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Ramcharger engine is chosen largely by "that's what's in production" plus a bit of "that's what people will accept" (marketing), plus also the use as a generator will allow it to run in a decently efficient operating range. Actual usage might seldom need 270 horsepower at 5000 rpm much, but that...
  3. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Friend of mine has one of these:
  4. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    I'd be tempted to reconfigure your circuits to supply one 32A 240V EVSE and charge the Volt from a wall plug. You can always stick the Volt on the big charger for a short splash. My Grizzl-E is set up at 24A 240VAC and it's always capable of fully charging my car overnight. Your battery is...
  5. B

    X-Ring Versus O-Ring Chain

    Use any good quality chain, lubricate it with oil, and avoid aggressively cleaning it.
  6. B

    What happens if KTM goes bust?

    This same crap happens every time any company goes through administration (or restructuring or whatever you want to call it). Creditors and suppliers eat some of the losses and what happens next, varies. Some companies may be captive suppliers, organised as a separate corporation but with KTM as...
  7. B

    Speed camera update (Sept.11)

    There are no guidelines for what constitutes a "community safety zone". It can be wherever a town council wants it to be. It can be wherever a noisy complainer complains to council enough. I can point to some pretty stupid ones. Now, think MONEY. Long straight road engineered for fast traffic +...
  8. B

    Speed camera update (Sept.11)

    Every single one of them is in a "community safety zone", I.e. fines doubled...
  9. B

    Speed camera update (Sept.11)

    Last time through Alton, I noticed that the entire camera box had been turned a few degrees to point it angled a little outward from the roadway, instead of aimed at the adjacent traffic lane. Clever. The snowplow must have hit it. I dunno. But, nicely done.
  10. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Only if you trust Elon Musk to not flip one or more switches in the course of the current trade dispute, in addition to all the usual stuff.
  11. B

    Motorcycle engine rebuild shop - West of Toronto - Recommendations ?

    Scored liners explains the oil consumption and at least part of the low compression (poor valve sealing is probably the other part of it). A good question is WHY the liners were scored. Overheating? Oil changes left too long?
  12. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    As of right now, the new Dodge Charger. Batteries, and final assembly, are in Windsor.
  13. B

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    I have some cybertruck-related entertainment for your amusement.
  14. B

    Motorcycle engine rebuild shop - West of Toronto - Recommendations ?

    That piston looks fine from here, so that is good news. If the cylinder walls look decent, potentially just have them refinished ("honed") and use new rings. Appears that this engine uses cast-iron liners, so this should be simple for someone who knows what they're doing. Obviously, you found a...
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