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  • Advise for Motorocycle accident.

    My son was recently involved in a motorcycle accident. I am reaching out to the community to seek advise on how to work with the insurance company, Lawyer for personal injury suit, with eye to look after our interests first. My son was the motorcycle rider and sustained injuries (broken bones) and the other vehicle was an SUV where driver did not sustain any injury. We do not know who is at fault for the accident, awaiting final accident report from the investigating officer.
    1. What is implication if my son is found to be at fault vs SUV driver at fault vs shared fault?
    2. Regardless of fault can we sue the SUV driver for personal injury/losses?
    3. Advise on how to deal with our insurance company to look after our own best interest.
    4. Advise on how to deal with personal injury lawyer to look after our own best interest.

    Thank you all for your insights.
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