Recent content by AllistonGT

  1. AllistonGT

    Enough of COVID...what are you doing to the house?

    I've tried a few things with poor results. Varnish, shellac. Eventually it will bleed through. My experience anyway.
  2. AllistonGT

    Helmets - Modular or Full-Face?

    Interesting. Purchased my bike there. Gone in a dozen times. Never a negative experience. Has recently changed owners. No longer Wolf.
  3. AllistonGT

    Helmets - Modular or Full-Face?

    Wolf (Peak Motorsports) in London. Graphic paint. They were clearing them out a few months ago. I'll still use my GT Air but the strap has frayed and I've already melted the edges a few times. Lost about 1/3rd the width of the strap. Not sure how much longer I will use it. Frayed strap pisses...
  4. AllistonGT

    Well, that didn't take long!

    Fresh brine sprayed on HWY 9 and also HWY 27 this morning. I'm still a few weeks out at least.
  5. AllistonGT

    Has anyone else been sick more than normal this winter?

    Same. One sick day in the last 38 years. Hopefully the luck doesn't run out.
  6. AllistonGT

    Helmets - Modular or Full-Face?

    Just picked up a Shoei Neotech ll. Been wanting to try one for a few years and the $ was good. $750 + tax. I'm a bit concerned with the added weight over my older Shoei GT Air.
  7. AllistonGT

    The Reasonably Priced Used Motorcycles for Sale Thread

    I had a Honda Prelude for sale once and was offered a parrot.
  8. AllistonGT

    Pickup Trucks

    The negative of front wheel drive. With the GTI you really can't "get on it" til 2nd - 3rd gear. Front wheels just spin.
  9. AllistonGT

    AGV helmets

    Wife has one. Loves it.
  10. AllistonGT

    Your First Motorcycle Was a ............?

    This would have been 72 - 73
  11. AllistonGT

    Your First Motorcycle Was a ............?

    Guessing I was about 7 or 8 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. AllistonGT

    Canada Post - Huge losses

    With age comes expectations of higher wages and more vacation time. That's a problem when a new hire has no experience.
  13. AllistonGT

    Canada Post - Huge losses

    Experienced tradesmen over 50 get hired easily. I hired 2 in the last 3 years. These days no certainty a 25 year old would stay on long term anyway.
  14. AllistonGT

    Enamel paint spill

    Second Varsol. It's the weakest of solvents. You could wash your car with it.
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