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  • Wow man you rocks, mine has 32,000 km. I did 16k last summer. Yeah new V-strom is even more awesome with new seat and gas tank design that protect's your knees against the wind. Good for you ;) Cheers

    My 2006 has about 202,500 km butnisn't likely going to get uh more. I bought a 2012 Monday March 12 and it has about 1,850 km on it and loving it!
    hey v-tom!!!@ I got a quick question...im at a dealership in ottawa getting a bike safety-certified...hes asking for $4100 but i noticed a crack by the signal to the right fairing...what is a good price for this bike??? and on the uvip package it shows as $000 wholesale price and $000 retail price and it also shows 00 cylinder and model E2J and brand as none...what is a good price for this, also this bike has had 4 owners ill be the 5th do you think its OK>??? plz your the only person i found that might give me an answer
    I was reading the best bike of the dec. and saw your post, is that you suzuki?
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