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  • Hey guy! Could you sticky the final version of the trackday guide for me and unsticky the old draft version? I think she's ready to go, I asked Rob but he disappeared off the "online" list.
    Heya Ric, does everyone get this silly random question asked when they post now?
    Now that the new year is over and things have calmed down, thanks for the welcome to the forum (I posted 12/26 - 'New member to the forum'). I posted a pic of my FJR as you requested.

    enjoy your day,
    Thanks for the welcome to the Forum, definately cya in the spring. (Originally from K-W area).
    Nice pics from the Super Show.
    Hey Rick it was great meeting you yesterday! Thanks for the riding tips I really can use them :) ! hope to see you again soon!
    So sorry you were unable to make it. I understand that when it hurts you gotta stay home and do some healing. Give our best to Stubby, we really missed her bubbly personality (and Fozzy can always use another drinking buddy). We both hope you will be feeling much better in the very near future. Bike shows are coming up so I'm sure I'll see you there.
    Cheers 8)
    Aminal & Fozzy
    Ric - I'm going to try to ride up Sunday to watch some of the festivities @ Mosport. Any guidance on how to find you? I'd like to introduce myself.
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