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  • Hi cutekill my wife and I would like to attend the learningcurves m2 class May 10, 12, 13 at the beaches. Wonder what I have to do?
    Hi, I like to register for April 5-6 M1 exit course. I have contacted Don but need to sign up here to get the GTAM discount rate. Please contact me asap, thanks!
    Hi, I am very interested in registering for the M1X course. Please message me back about the rates and location. Thank you!
    Hello i would like to register for the Learning Curves M1/M2 riding course and see how much the discounted price would be?


    Hi there,

    I am very interested in the next M1X course at Learning Curves, can you let me know when is the next available class/time slot? Also what would be the final cost after the group discount?

    Many thanks,

    Hi wanted to sign up for the course at the discounted price and can i bring someone thats not on this site at the discounted price aswell
    I emailed you from my hotmail, I don't know if it went through, but I'm interested in booking my course ASAP, I have my M1 I need to do the course and get my M2. What's the discounted GTA motorcycle price?
    Hi would love to book for M1-M2 - earliest possible in Toronto for my son. I did my with RTI but would like my son to try with you. He wants to book as soon as possible for a weekend - He lives in toronto.
    Hi, I would like to register for my M1 exit course and get the gtam discount, ASAP thank you In advance
    Hi, I like to register for April 21-24 midnight madness M1 exit course. I have contacted Don but need to sign up here to get the GTAM discount rate. Please contact me asap, thanks!
    Hi, I met you at one of the trade shows a number of months ago and you told me to connect on GTA but I had forgot your user name. I remembered it when you and Paul sent out the e-mail today. Anyways I remember you gave me some very good advice when we met so this is a very delayed thank you.

    By the way..I really like this website.
    Hi, its Fido(Mark) again, please let me know when the first available dates are for the M2 drivers course. I am very interested and probably will come down for the course, as here in Sudbury they are telling me sometime in May. Let me know what I need to do this course as I would like to get my license as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your time.
    I am interested in the learning curves course M1x. Are there any available dates in the first 2 weekends of November for the Toronto location?
    Thank you in advance.
    Hey everyone!

    I do NOT check this every day so if you are wanting to get in touch with me for the Learning Curves Courses please EMAIL or PM me and I'll get right back to you.

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