If you were king, how about just having a separate force for traffic enforcement altogether?
If I could ride around on a motorcycle, issuing tickets to people who are behaving dangerously or erratically in traffic, do you know how little you would have to pay me? Do you?
I'll tell you. You wouldn't have to pay me anything. I would literally come to your house once a week to mow your lawn, if you gave me a badge and let me ticket these fuckers 8 hours a day, before any more of them kill any more of us.
It doesn't need to be cops, but we do need more traffic enforcement. Right now we just don't have anything that isn't one or the other, and no one is enough of an outside-the-box thinker to make that happen. Which is crazy to imagine, because you don't even have to go to college to become a cop anymore.
So if you don't need to go to police foundations anymore to be a cop, why would you need a college degree to give someone a ticket for running a red?
Give me a ticket pad, tag me in, I'm ready to ruin some people's days before those people ruin some people's lives.