New Rider from Mississauga

Eli Gand

Hi everyone, I'm Gand, and am new to motorcycle riding. Presently hunting for a DRZ400SM to finalize this winter. I know very little about motorcycles and riding in general, but hoping I can get some experience before it gets too cold to ride in Mississauga.
Welcome to the forum

Lots of great advice here on just about any topic .... Oh and motorcycles too.
Welcome, good luck with you motorcycle hunt and getting your M2.
Some good people here with good advice.
Keep posting and stay active!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! One of the things I'd like to get some thoughts on is the inspection. I've seen one motorcycle with a friend, but he's farther north around Barrie, so any motorcycles for sale around Toronto will be tougher to get an experienced set of eyes to assist me with. I've got a few shortlisted, should I go inspect them myself and buy without riding, or should I try to at least ride them? In the latter case, the risk is that I'm inexperienced (think 2 days of training in the M1 exit course) and I do not have a baseline of what's considered "normal" when riding one due to the inexperience. Appreciate any and all help/advice on this matter.
I had a DRZ400. It's a tall big. A little heavy off road but still I thought it a good bike.

As for checking bikes in GTA there are lots of folks here who might be willing to help I would think.
Welcome and good luck with you search. Did you already do a rider training course and are waiting to do the final paper work for the M2 with gov?
Surprised no one mentioned this, but also check with insurance before you get the bike, unless you have already.
Ride safe!
Hey Eli!

I am new here and a new rider as well...going through the same process. I did some research and I am pretty sure a 0km is making more sense than used imo. I am saying this because the used beginner bikes seems to be very expensive at the moment. Please, let me know your thoughts.

I am looking into multiples options, like the R3, CF Moto 450SS, RE Hunter 350, Kawasaki 400, and supermotos (this last one I don't know if makes sense as a first ride though).

Best Regards
Try to make sure that your first bike is a used bike.

Chances are you can buy a used bike, ride it for 1-2 seasons and sell if for the same price you paid or as close to it as possible. Not loosing much.

If you buy new you are loosing much more on value. Also, chances are high that the bike will get dropped, loosing even more value.

Look online and on this forum and you will see the high number of new riders that drop their bike in the first year and especially new bikes.

I don't want to point it out deliberately, but there is a thread with the exact case scenario on here.
Wanted a new first bike, we said don't do it because you will drop it....... well it got dropped.
hey @oioioi,

Totally agree with you on that...but people are asking too much on their used bikes specially in the AutoTrader and Marketplace. Bikes from 2020, 2021 with the same price as a new 2023. I would love to hear if you have tips to avoid that.

I prefer to buy a used one by a long shot and keep the 20-25% depreciation in my pocket :ROFLMAO:
Be patient and don't jump on the first bike you see. There will be many more

There will be many bikes coming up with the end of the season upon us and over the the winter.

Spring prices tend to be slightly higher but that does not mean that you cannot find a good deal . Of course your geographical area and bike model will have a lot to do with this. You may need to look outside your immediate boundaries and be willing to travel for a good deal, not always but might need to happen.

Also do not be afraid of a 5 or even 10 year old bike.
Your fist bike will most likely not be your last. Get something that you can afford in terms of purchase price as well as insurance. Have you looked into insurance? Also, make sure to leave enough in your budget for proper gear. No sense in having a fancy new-ish bike if you are riding in flip flops and a HD bucket on your head.
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Thanks @oioioi , I needed to read this part about 5/10 years old bike....I bumped into one 2015 CB300F yesterday that was a beauty and I wasn’t even considering it because of the year.

I'll keep my eyes open and slow down a bit, and maybe start sending quotes to insurance companies as well.

Thanks for sharing the knowledge !
Don't send quotes. Call them and get them to give you prices based on a few potential bikes you have selected.
Ask them to email you the quotes so you have them saved.

I found TD to be very reasonable and I went with them. They have an online quoting tool that is almost 100% accurate. You can use that as a basis.

I would have no problem picking up a 2015 CB300F as my fist bike.

Make it easier on yourself and start to look at bikes that are 5 years or OLDER.
Dude, you have no idea how much time you just saved me! Thanks!

Regarding the bike, I'll expand my researches for sure after knowing that!
That’s every bike I’ve had!
5 years old would be like brand new to me. Let the ballers pay for depreciation.

Its not a car that gets ridden through Canadian winters and turns into a shitbox.

Most older bikes are pleasure vehicles with low mileage.

My bikes are 2007, 2008, and 2009.

They all function as they should.

A properly maintained higher mileage bike is nothing to shy away from. Modern bikes (the last 30 years, at least from the big 4) are quality.

Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk
Bikes from 2020, 2021
Those are new bikes. Try 5,6 or 10 years old. Anything built in Japan in the 21st century will be fine. (Actually anything built after 1970 is fine too but a lot of folks on this site don't appreciate hearing it)

Get a used bike. You will drop it and you will want something bigger not long after. We (this forum) have had this thread before, infact last summer. Guy just like you decided to buy new "good bike I'll keep it" yada yada and then boom it's for sale.
Thank you all for your responses, couple of points:
  • I do have my course done, and am waiting to do the paperwork for the M2 at the end of the month.
  • I have reached out to some insurance providers and obtained quotes. This was more challenging than expected as a number of them either would not insure drivers under 4 years of experience, or ones who wanted to use the dual-sport for off-road.
  • I do have some gear, only missing dedicated riding jacket and pants, and looking around whenever I have time.
  • I would prefer a used bike for the time being.
Given that I have 3 listings short-listed for the DRZ400SM: one in Scarborough, one in Toronto (Financial District), and one in North York, how would I go about requesting assistance for the inspection and test ride? Should that be a separate topic and sub-forum?

@thiagomvr Great that you're starting out too, my two cents are that yes, it is a bit of a seller's market with used vehicles, but you can still find decent deals. As the winter approaches, more listings cut down on their price. Also, others may be willing to haggle depending on how popular that specific bike is. Chances are, they don't want to keep it for the winter in their garage, etc. so timing will help. If you have the means to transport a bike from further out, expand the search perimeter: farther areas generally have fewer potential buyers, and you may be able to get a better deal there. All the best with your hunt!
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