Caught doing 173kmh in a 50kmh zone

I see being 40 or 50 over in a 50 km zone as terrible behavior, not the same as being 50 over on the 407 where average speeds are 125 - 130.

But to be 123 kph over in a 50 is a completely different offense in my mind. This is where you should be looking at extensive suspensions or seizures and maybe even vehicle forfeiture.
I like how they didn’t even bother chasing him. Just follow him and nab him when he slows down or shuts the bike down. So much safer and easier.
get to da choppa!
I don't agree with vehicle seizure or vehicle forfeiture for speeding. This is a slippery slope to go down.
After conviction in court, that is not much different in my mind than a fine. I strongly disagree with roadside punishment as there have been many documented cases where police did not have sufficient evidence to support their charges (or fabricated them entirely).
I don't agree with vehicle seizure or vehicle forfeiture for speeding. This is a slippery slope to go down.
We slid down that slope 14 years ago. I don't really care if the court sets his bike on fire, as long as he gets convicted first

Edit: missing word
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The guy is charged with doing 3 and a half times the speed limit in a residential area.
That's more than speeding, even before HTA172.
Charge him with dangerous, let him argue it down to HTA careless and a speeding ticket
Where does it say it was a male rider? Maybe she was late for work.
Where does it say it was a female rider? Maybe <your gender here> was out for a boot.
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