Rokform mount and case?

I know a few riders that have one and very good quality and customer service.

I use a Quad Lock and really like it, both are good options.
I know a few riders that have one and very good quality and customer service.

I use a Quad Lock and really like it, both are good options.
Maybe I should change the thread to rokform vs quad lock! Those are the 2 that I am trying to decide between. The rokform case appears more rugged and tough but I think the quad lock mount seems simply and better? Does the quad lock case bother you at all not being flat on the back?
I can only speak for the s21+ case from quad lock. The back only sticks out a mm or so.
I don't even notice it in day to day use.
Maybe I should change the thread to rokform vs quad lock! Those are the 2 that I am trying to decide between. The rokform case appears more rugged and tough but I think the quad lock mount seems simply and better? Does the quad lock case bother you at all not being flat on the back?
I have the case for the Pixel phone and that "bump" has never bothered me at all. I would not say one manufacturer is better than the other, they simply provided slightly different solutions. Also if you are new to Quad Lock and order from the site you get 10% off..
i'd get the quadlock (seems cheaper in cost) but the bump in the case bothers me. only because i also drive a car and my car has a flat magnet mount for my phone. i feel the bump would interfere with my phone and usage.

so i just go for the trusty ram mounts. the 'claw' isnt very pretty but has worked for me for years on all my various bikes.


as you can see it will show up all nasty looking in photos haha.
I got a Quad Lock myself just recently and really happy with it. I looked at the Rokform closely the 2 issues that were deal breakers for me were:
1. with Quad Lock I can use my wireless charger, cannot do that with Rokform
2. I mounted the Quad Lock to my mirror, cannot do that with Rokform, does not offer that option.

I also got the vibration damper attachment, it works but I think the soft rubber/silicone pieces that absorb the vibration may harden and get brittle at some point.
I got a Quad Lock myself just recently and really happy with it. I looked at the Rokform closely the 2 issues that were deal breakers for me were:
1. with Quad Lock I can use my wireless charger, cannot do that with Rokform
2. I mounted the Quad Lock to my mirror, cannot do that with Rokform, does not offer that option.

I also got the vibration damper attachment, it works but I think the soft rubber/silicone pieces that absorb the vibration may harden and get brittle at some point.
I looked into the vibration kit, but decided to try it without it first. I have mine mounted to the handle bars of my HD and zero vibration, I was very surprised & pleased. As for the silicone the only thing that will shorten its life is UV and it would require loads of it. Should last the lifetime of the mount itself.
Does quad lock offer a screen protector? Tempered glass?
Are any tempered glass screen protectors tempered glass? It seems to me to be worse than audiofoolery. Ime, tempered glass does not bend, does not scratch and sure and hell explodes into a million pieces when you break it. I have never seen a "tempered glass" screen protector that didn't bend, I have seen some scratch and I have never seen one break. I think they are mostly (all?) plastic and lies.
How about laminated glass?
Again, I know how it is done for real but in a screen protector context I dont see why you would do that (and glass breaks when you bend it but screen protectors dont).

Bonding layer alone on real laminate glass is thicker than most screen protectors. Not sure on the engineering behind selection of bonding layer thickness.
I looked into the vibration kit, but decided to try it without it first. I have mine mounted to the handle bars of my HD and zero vibration, I was very surprised & pleased. As for the silicone the only thing that will shorten its life is UV and it would require loads of it. Should last the lifetime of the mount itself.
Thanks for that information. I am more a weekend rider so that is encouraging to hear. You ride an HD and there is no vibration? Those engines are designed to make the bike dance.
Thanks for that information. I am more a weekend rider so that is encouraging to hear. You ride an HD and there is no vibration? Those engines are designed to make the bike dance.
Happy to assist. I have the M8 engine so not rigid mounted. But yes, I was surprised as well, no matter at idle or at 5000 RPM the phone can easily be read.
Again, I know how it is done for real but in a screen protector context I dont see why you would do that (and glass breaks when you bend it but screen protectors dont).

Bonding layer alone on real laminate glass is thicker than most screen protectors. Not sure on the engineering behind selection of bonding layer thickness.
The glass screen protectors break for sure but no way are they tempered they crack in lines not shatter. They also chip at the edges.

Sent using a thumb maybe 2
Possibly going the tack form holder route. Anyone used them before? I currently use a punkcase which is the best case I have ever had. As much as I like the rokform and quad lock cases I can’t sell myself on their designs, especially that they don’t have a built in screen protector. The punkcase I am currently using I have really abused, dropped, dust, snow, rain, basically everything and never had an issue with my phone!
Thanks for everyone’s input! I went in a different direction and ordered a tackform mount and punkcase case. Once it arrives, I will give my feedback of the items. Cheers
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