New Riders trying to get m1 insurance without the safety course because of covid, impossible?



I am a new rider, just got my m1, and am really excited to get on the road. but i need insurance. and because of covid, the safety course place is closed until june now, probably later... ive been calling everywhere and everywhere requires that safety course, which u cant take because of covid frustrating...anyone have any info that could help me out? i feel like its such a great time right now to get on the road to practice because theres such little traffic..
Good question. Try calling insurance companies and brokers and asking them that question. They may not know the answer but at least you get them thinking.

Personally, I think it is a terrible time to learn how to ride on the road (lots of sand, many vehicles travelling at ridiculous speeds and ignoring signs and lights, stressed health care system etc) but I wish you luck in your quest. Let us know if you can find a useful answer.
Try this company Richard ten half 548 588 2453 her name is Kim. I’m in the same boat as you.
thanks mate. ive left a message...
service ontario is open yes, you can still get your least as of last week.. rti is delayed for a bit though..i suspect a change somewhere coming, whether its insurance or ontario motorcycle laws changing, because if you cant take the safety course for a year (which some govt's are saying this could last a full year) that means no new m1 drivers for a year and i dont think the govt + insurance companies would want to miss out on all that newbie $. just a thought
thanks mate. ive left a message...
service ontario is open yes, you can still get your least as of last week.. rti is delayed for a bit though..i suspect a change somewhere coming, whether its insurance or ontario motorcycle laws changing, because if you cant take the safety course for a year (which some govt's are saying this could last a full year) that means no new m1 drivers for a year and i dont think the govt + insurance companies would want to miss out on all that newbie $. just a thought
Just a thought. Since we are theoretically at a point where people should only be making essential trips, where do you think putting new riders on bikes fits into that? As far as the gov't missing out on revenue, they are spending entire cities of money right now and M1 licensing fees are a cabin in the woods. Insurance companies are probably in duck and cover mode and just trying to stay solvent and meet their obligations as their investments will have take a beating.
thanks mate. ive left a message...
service ontario is open yes, you can still get your least as of last week.. rti is delayed for a bit though..i suspect a change somewhere coming, whether its insurance or ontario motorcycle laws changing, because if you cant take the safety course for a year (which some govt's are saying this could last a full year) that means no new m1 drivers for a year and i dont think the govt + insurance companies would want to miss out on all that newbie $. just a thought
Yes i'm doing instructing this year and the dates keep getting pushed back. Social distancing will pretty much prohibit this, never mind potential non essential business.
Try this company Richard ten half 548 588 2453 her name is Kim. I’m in the same boat as you.
DUDE. THANK YOU SO MUCH i honestly called like 30 places today and was so bummed until i talked to kim and she hooked me up... you have made my summer man....if i ever meet you irl beer is on me hahah. have a good day!
Personally, I think it is a terrible time to learn how to ride on the road (lots of sand, many vehicles travelling at ridiculous speeds and ignoring signs and lights, stressed health care system etc) but I wish you luck in your quest. Let us know if you can find a useful answer.

Your better off taking advantage of the big empty parking lots at shopping centres.
Trailer it or use a pick up truck to get your bike over to the parking lot.
Go out and buy some orange cones and practice all that your heart desires.

I am sure with the help of the google and youtube you can find some diagrams or videos on how to set up cones for certain scenarios.

Whether it is deemed as essential is a different story.
DUDE. THANK YOU SO MUCH i honestly called like 30 places today and was so bummed until i talked to kim and she hooked me up... you have made my summer man....if i ever meet you irl beer is on me hahah. have a good day!

So fill us in.
Did you get your insurance? Details.
Not trying to be nosy but the more info you provide the more others can benefit from it if they are in the same boat (or bike) as you.

After-all that's why Paul set this forum up , 20 years ago.
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sorry! yes, Richard ten half 548 588 2453 her name is Kim, hooked me up, with m1 insurance without a safety course requirement, Im still signed up for rti course once it opens, but until then i can hit the road. 115/mnth. i dont know if this affected the rate but i mentioned im 40, and have had my g for 25 years now, so im pretty comfy on the road. also this is all for a vespa, not a motorcycle, if that matters. so hyped. if u see a dude zip by on a wasp all in black throw the horns up! :) <3
DUDE. THANK YOU SO MUCH i honestly called like 30 places today and was so bummed until i talked to kim and she hooked me up... you have made my summer man....if i ever meet you irl beer is on me hahah. have a good day!
Lol. No worries. I’m just glad it worked out.
In a way. I envy your newness ? but omg is it ever getting to be an expensive sport to get into.
Remember if all else fails there are always dirt bikes.
In a way. I envy your newness ? but omg is it ever getting to be an expensive sport to get into.
Remember if all else fails there are always dirt bikes.
Although probably no where to ride them for the next while.
I know lots of riding places, it can't be that hard for anyone else.
I'd guess that it will take around a month from the government giving the go ahead, until the courses actually start rolling for students.
Many of them won't even have their bikes serviced and inspected yet,
then there's layout and riding training and testing for new instructors which may get condensed,
then the returning and new instructors go through refresh training together,
I'm not sure what's happening with first aid training, but some instructors may still need to take a course for that,
finally they all have to pass the same test as the students, but with either zero or minimal points, depending on the place they're teaching.
Once that's all complete they can start to take in students, who may have signed up weeks or months ahead.

A smaller place, with limited bikes/students, no new instructors,
and has done the maintenance in the fall, will be able to get off the ground a little quicker.

I know lots of riding places, it can't be that hard for anyone else.
Let me know if you know any near Shittsville or Carp. I need to get the minibike out, and it's not licensed.
We used to ride it across the street in a field in Toronto, but they paved paradise, and I'm too far away now.
sorry! yes, Richard ten half 548 588 2453 her name is Kim, hooked me up, with m1 insurance without a safety course requirement, Im still signed up for rti course once it opens, but until then i can hit the road. 115/mnth. i dont know if this affected the rate but i mentioned im 40, and have had my g for 25 years now, so im pretty comfy on the road. also this is all for a vespa, not a motorcycle, if that matters. so hyped. if u see a dude zip by on a wasp all in black throw the horns up! :) <3
BUDDY, I'm in the same boat as you were. M1 and no safety school are open. I have already purchased my bike. I just left her a voicemail, I hope she call me back soon.
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