Back in the saddle after ~10 years - mature enough for a 600 this time around?


Hi chums,

Figured I'd post an introduction thread since I'm about to get back on a bike for the first time in a while.

I got my M2 when I was probably just shy of 17 years old, grabbed a 1988 Ninja 250 and rode that for about two seasons. When I was 19, I felt I had outgrown that little gem and went looking for something else - though I knew I wasn't ready for a big sportbike quite yet. I found the perfect bike: a 1988 GSX-R400SP Slingshot Edition. This guy out in Niagara Falls imported greybikes, so I drove out and I was immediately in love with the little bike.

She came home with me, in near-perfect condition except I had to source some new fork seals (I think that's what it was) as the front was a little squishy. Insuring her was a total pain in the ass, as most companies wouldn't take the 11-digit Japanese VIN. Finally someone from Jevco came out and took photos, and she was insured for liability - the guy said due to the rarity of the bike, comprehensive coverage would be prohibitively expensive.

I loved that 400 so much. Working out near Bracebridge for the summer, we enjoyed many short road trips on the surrounding roads. Going to school in London, I didn't find many twisties out in that town but it was fun to boot around the city; she definitely turned some heads. And then one day in 2007, she was stolen out of my driveway.

You might remember me if you were around this forum at that time. I'm sure I posted in the stolen bike registry asking if anyone had seen her. The VIN was GK73A101899; I still keep the ownership and registration in my wallet even though it's always been a lost cause. Oh yeah, and my M2 expired because I had no bike to take the M test on. :'(

Fast-forward to today. I'm 31. I recently came into a bit of money - my Father passed away last fall, and I inherited his estate, 'black clouds with silver linings' I guess. I've been talking about getting back into riding for years, but I've been brokeass... now I'm no longer brokeass, so I'm finally doing it. Took RTI's M2 course about two months ago and upgraded to the M2 at the beginning of May. The estate monies are in and I'm ready to shop for a bike.

I want a sportbike again.

Ten years is a long time out of the saddle though, so I don't know if that's the dumbest idea or not. I've been combing AT and Kijiji for GSX-R600s from about 2007 to now, and will probably go out to look at some tomorrow afternoon. I'm kicking myself for not having done this sooner, as on paper I am a 'new rider' and the insurance companies are going to gouge the **** out of me - I'm not too concerned, like I said with this nest-egg I can afford it (but obviously I'm still going to shop around for best rates). Naturally, I'm not the impulsive 19-year-old I once was... but the thought is still there in the back of my head, a small part of me saying "get an SV or a DR-Z400SM instead."

What do YOU think? I really want the Gixxer, I've loved those bikes for some time. As a more mature rider, but one who's been out of the seat for a while, can I handle it?

Here's an ooooold pic of me with my 400, 'Blue Funk'.


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Welcome back to riding! Not familiar with the 'blue funk' but looks like something I would ride. Jumping on a 600cc SS after a 10 year sleep is probably not a good idea. Have you tried shopping for insurance ? The rates might surprise you to the extent that you may not want it anymore. If so, would suggest the naked route.
I second Roadrash's recommendation for a couple of reasons. A modern 600SS is about twice as powerful as a GSX400R, about 75% more HP and 100% more torque -- they are really designed for advanced riders.

If you really want to step up to a bigger class, think about an ST instead of an SS. Suzuki SV650, Ninja 650 for your first year or two. Insurance will be about 1/2 the cost (or less) and unless you're planning to track ride on the street, both of those ST's will out-thrill a GSX400 by a long shot. An even better idea would be to start on used 300 (R3, Ninja or CB), master running a small bike to it's limits, save a ton on insurance, then resell the bike for the the same amount it cost you to buy. Then move up.
buy what you want
riding a MC in the GTA is not smart
so go with that and get the bike you really want

GSX650F would be a good compromise though
lol get an Italian motorcycle they are tremendous fun and totally impractical.

... i just noticed that's a pretty silly picture they took off the mirrors and left on the passenger pegs :unsure: what were they thinking.
+1 to starting over again on something not SS. Get used to riding again first. The inheritance may pay for ti, but why blow it all on the first shot?

I had almost the same bike...'cept 750cc.
My short answer to your question is no. Both because of the giant financial cost of ss insurance (even if you have the money, spending like money will last forever is the fastest way to being broke) and because you are rusty and ss bikes are miles ahead of your past ride. I am with the majority, I would look into something fun but not as high strung (e.g. 650/v twin/st/sumo).
Go the sport touring route, better on insurance and more than enough choices fully faired, naked.

VFR800, Yamaha FZ series, SV650.

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Meh. 600s are fast over 11000RPM but below that they're actually fairly soft. People say these aren't great bikes for the street partly because of their crappy ergonomics but also their lack of usable torque down low:

See ~3:00 to hear about power and torque down low
See ~5:30 where these two young(er) guys start talking about the **** ergos

While it's hard to explore the true capabilities of just about any bike bigger than a Grom these days, you're going to pay huge insurance for a machine designed for the track and that will beat you up.

If you're going to track it a lot maybe it makes sense. If you're just going to mess around the straight roads of south-central Ontario or in town, there are more satisfying bikes than 600 supersports. If I was in your position I'd seriously consider an MT-09, CB1000R, CBR650R or a Z900 over any 600 SS.

Only you know if you're mature enough for any bike with performance equal to (or greater...) than a 600.
Meh. 600s are fast over 11000RPM but below that they're actually fairly soft. People say these aren't great bikes for the street partly because of their crappy ergonomics but also their lack of usable torque down low:
I'm with you on that... there in lies the problem. They are pussies till you hit the high RPM powerband -- but when you get there and the power turns on -- it can be nuts for a novice.
That's what I love about V-twins. Linear power for the most part, and lots of low down torque where you need it most (and spend most of your time). I vote SV650 if the OP wants something practical.
Thanks for the replies guys, really means a lot. I don't know if it makes a difference but I'm not looking at new bikes - like I said there are some 07s through 15s im looking at mostly. How does the S-DMS system work in 08+ GSXRs, is this something that might make the bike a little more forgiving to someone like me?

I'm sure you can tell I've still got my heart set on the Gixxer, but I'm unsure now. I definitely want to go with Suzuki, so it'll either be that or an SV. Thanks again for your help.
...How does the S-DMS system work in 08+ GSXRs, is this something that might make the bike a little more forgiving to someone like me? ...
It's a marketing tool. There is only one setting that makes the motor work as it should and the rest of the settings make it run retarded.
Thanks for the replies guys, really means a lot. I don't know if it makes a difference but I'm not looking at new bikes - like I said there are some 07s through 15s im looking at mostly. How does the S-DMS system work in 08+ GSXRs, is this something that might make the bike a little more forgiving to someone like me?

I'm sure you can tell I've still got my heart set on the Gixxer, but I'm unsure now. I definitely want to go with Suzuki, so it'll either be that or an SV. Thanks again for your help.

Buy what you want. I can tell you that on the street bikes like the sv650 are essentially as fast as an ss within legal limits

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If you're overwhelmed by all the bike choices why not hit a demo day or two. As a mature rider you can call any dealer and book a test ride, though there might be some restrictions on models you can test if you just have your M2.
Try as many bikes as you can. See what feels right.

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Buy what you want. Bought a Thundercat after 30 years away. In my second week of enjoying it.
Buy what you want. Bought a Thundercat after 30 years away. In my second week of enjoying it.
That has 25% less hp than the bikes the OP is dreaming of. Of course he can buy whatever bike, but going to a 110 hp bike a decade after last riding a 60 hp bike just increases the odds of bad things happening (and damn is insurance going to be expensive).
Would also recommend the GSX650 (Inline4) or the GSX750S (Street fighter), but the SV (650S, not the N) will definitely have more appropriate SS ergos and more user friendly linearity to its Vtwin engine.

Edit: or this bike 2013 Kawasaki Ninja EX650 - $4100

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