E bikes rampaging Toronto streets


Well-known member
Why do I have to pay so much to ride a motorcycle...licence. insurance..training...when Toronto allows anyone to do the same on these with none of the above...and use roads and bike lanes

Ya i feel you. These guys run red lights and stop signs too. Even on the sidewalk. Basically no real rules for e bikes
Why do I have to pay so much to ride a motorcycle...licence. insurance..training...when Toronto allows anyone to do the same on these with none of the above...and use roads and bike lanes

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Don't worry, as soon as they become popular the government will put a stop to all that.
This has been going on for several years...yet the police and parking are so hard nosed on all us paying road users....why are these motor vehicle users given total autonomy and anarchy allowed?....i am so confused?
During my wifes 5 1/2 weeks in hospital last year in the head trauma unit,we saw a lot of people with head injuries from e-bike accidents.All single vehicle but "caused" by traffic issues.
if theyre so great why not just stop yer whining and get one ?
because anarchy...

I quite enjoy seeing them around. 'Always get a laugh. Especially when the rider is trying their best to look so hardcore.
Although I'm a pretty cool dad I just recently found out from one of my kids these bikes are often referred to as DUI Ducati's.... Lol.
Ya i feel you. These guys run red lights and stop signs too. Even on the sidewalk. Basically no real rules for e bikes

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There are actually rules. For example, if you have a DUI related disqualification, you are prohibited from using these as well. As a motorized vehicle, it's also prohibited from bicycle lanes, parks and pathways. Modifying them to remove pedals or increase voltage is also illegal, and either makes it a low speed motorcycle requiring a license and insurance just like us. People do all of these things, and it's the police that are to blame. So if you ever want to ask about ebikes, write to your local police department and ask why they ignore them.

People in general, from the age of toddlers, will do whatever they can get away with. Even a typicaly law abiding citizen will only follow rules that are enforced. Piracy, illegal but not enforced, so we do it. Doing anything above the speed limit, but it's not usually enforced until more than 20% over, so we'll go 15-20% over. Many aftermarket mods are illegal, but not really enforced outside of inspection blitz times, so we do it. I bet if they stopped enforcing murder tomorrow, you've probably got a list of people that should hide... I know I do lol
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I just can't believe what I see every day in the downtown east side.....and no cops ever seem to crack down on these lunatics in motorcycle gear and helmets...on what look like full motorcycles....and bicycle riders are getting more and more rights and arrogance as if they are car drivers also
Natural selection, they are required to where as little as a minimal protection bicycle helmet. When they crash at 50kms they won't be riding anymore.
yeah i saw few of these...always thinking "why are these sport bikes so slow?"...lol

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As a motorized vehicle, it's also prohibited from bicycle lanes

E-scooters used to be banned from dedicated protected bicycle lanes (aka cycle tracks) in the City of Toronto but not anymore.


I don't know if this an OHTA law or a Toronto By-Law but I see many of these E-Scooter folks in the lanes anyway.
The ones I come across have little riding skills (as evidenced by duckwalking), often bad tempered and very ready to go.

I wandered into a shop and some of the motorcycle looking ebikes were stickered at $3K'ish. Not cheap!
This is nothing new - during the late 1970s several companies (including Honda) imported gasoline powered, "pedal-assist" mopeds.
The province stepped in after a couple of years and made all the DUIs get plates, insurance and have some form of driver's licence.
That stopped things in their tracks.
That's all it would take to get the losers off the roads.
I'd like to know how currently these clowns are buying, installing and riding the strap-on Chinese 2-stroke gas motors in their bicycles and not getting hassled by the gendarmes ?
They banned the Segway but not these things??
There are actually rules. For example, if you have a DUI related disqualification, you are prohibited from using these as well. As a motorized vehicle, it's also prohibited from bicycle lanes, parks and pathways. Modifying them to remove pedals or increase voltage is also illegal, and either makes it a low speed motorcycle requiring a license and insurance just like us. People do all of these things, and it's the police that are to blame. So if you ever want to ask about ebikes, write to your local police department and ask why they ignore them.

People in general, from the age of toddlers, will do whatever they can get away with. Even a typicaly law abiding citizen will only follow rules that are enforced. Piracy, illegal but not enforced, so we do it. Doing anything above the speed limit, but it's not usually enforced until more than 20% over, so we'll go 15-20% over. Many aftermarket mods are illegal, but not really enforced outside of inspection blitz times, so we do it. I bet if they stopped enforcing murder tomorrow, you've probably got a list of people that should hide... I know I do lol

The bike lanes are OK for them now but you've got the rest.

However it's not the police it's the politicians not forcing the cops to go after the things.

1) They make more money on nabbing licensed vehicles.

2) They are seen as eco friendly

3) Almost a bike so get some of the bike lobby

4) Bikes have a very strong lobby
I don't know what the fuss is about. I don't have a problem with them. They really are like bicycles, meandering along the side of the road. Just give them a wide birth. They give people with no money a way to get to their minimum wage jobs. I wouldn't want the government to give in to the mean people and force them off the road with licensing and the corrupt insurance cartels. Just leave them alone.
"They really are like bicycles, meandering along the side of the road."
Uh, no. There is a radical difference between electric assist bicycles and e-bikes purposely designed to skirt the spirit and intention of the rules of the road.
There needs to be clear delineation and rules, e-bikes are MOTOR VEHICLES and as such must abide.
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