*** riding group proposal - easy pace riding ***


Anyone interested in creating a riding group for easy pace riding? The focus of the group will be the following:

This will not be a typical SPORT BIKE group but if you are OK with rule #1, SPORT BIKES very welcome! (I am on a Gixer my self - for now) This is just a proposal. If you feel like bashing or laughing at this, be my guest, but you are wasting your valuable computer time.

- We only ride up to a maximum of 20km/h over the speed limit. [THIS IS THE KEY RULE #1]
- NOT FOR adrenaline junkies :)
- Absolutely NO PUSHING each other. I don't want anyone to push anyone else or feel pushed, which is why rule #1 is very important here again.
- No waving in and out of traffic and constant lane changes
- We don't pass like crazy. Being 2 or 3 cars ahead does not save you much. Only pass if it is absolutely necessary (I witnessed horrible accident once due to stupid passing)
- No passing fellow riders in the same lane (even if you are in the other tire track)
- No racing from stop light to see who can get to 60 or 100 fastest
- Won't be dragging the knee with this group
- Naturally no stunting or anything like that
- Not for anyone who likes to "floor it, but only occasionally"
- Staggered formation and all other usual rules apply
- Just relax & ride
- All bikes welcome
- All ages welcome ( I'm 42 but I look 35 :] )
- You need to be OK with all the rules, not just some :)
- Newbie friendly but you gotta know how to shift :)

- Scenic rides
- Full day rides, half day rides, hourly rides, multi-day rides,
- Out of town rides
- City rides as well
- Day rides, evening rides
- Hangs outs / chill outs / posing fests for those interested

If you have the above mind set, then send me a private message. To add you to the group, I just need your email. I have few apps in mind we can use for Android/Apple (whatsAPP is not the right app in my opinion) with good functionality where events can be created.

We'll pick a group name if there is enough interest.

Throughout my years of riding I had noticed many bad habits and riding styles which seem to had popped up in every group. I was hoping to create a group around people who want to eliminating all of them. I know most people like to "have fun" so I am not expecting too much out of this, but testing the waters nevertheless.

So I wanted to know if there might be some peeps out there who had a Come To Jesus moment just like me and might want to slow down, change their riding habits or just take less risks, maybe live little longer. Throughout many years of riding I had noticed some people seem little shy about easy pace riding particularly in some group environments where egos mix in with the adrenaline little too much. If you talk to people one on one, they all agree that the group dynamic is too toxic, yet they continue to participate. So I figured, why not try a group with key rules set in place in the first place. Don't like it, don't join.

My self I just made a come back into this hobby . I have been out of the scene for about 3 years now. There are friends I used to have who are not around more. So this time around, I want to approach it differently. Trying a new start based on bad past experiences.

Let me know.

There are lots of reputable riding organizations you can join (yes, even as a sportbike rider) where you'll find the sort of riding you're looking for...without needing to try to organize a bunch of strangers online, many of whom may lose interest in your rules if/when they get bored, or realize they really don't have to actually follow them.

Organizations have these sorts of rules, but they are written into the actual membership...so they are not optional.

And there's a lot of camaraderie and friendships that expand out of joining an organized group vs a loose knit bunch of people meeting up and riding together.
I like the:

"No passing riders in the same lane"

I believe that should be a given 99% of the time unless there is 100% certainty (not assumption) that the rider knows you have the intent to pass. Even then it should be done as a last resort (my opinion)

Still...not much into the "stiff" riding. The emphasis on rules is stifling to me.

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There are lots of reputable riding organizations you can join (yes, even as a sportbike rider) where you'll find the sort of riding you're looking for...without needing to try to organize a bunch of strangers online, many of whom may lose interest in your rules if/when they get bored, or realize they really don't have to actually follow them.

Organizations have these sorts of rules, but they are written into the actual membership...so they are not optional.

Interesting... never found any groups as such.. any examples?
Quick update: There has been some interest in this so far and we got 3 members so far :) If you are interested please send me your email address.

The APP we will be using is called GroupMe and can be downloaded for IPhone/Android. The APP asks for phone number, but ONLY to set up the app. The app does not show anyone's phone number in the group. That is quick info for those who might by shy or concerned with privacy.
Most people I have rode with abide by most of the rules you me mentioned. I would be interested as well

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sounds relaxing

but this one?
- Not for anyone who likes to "floor it, but only occasionally"
niggah plz....we ride motorcycles
Quick update: 13 Members so far and good amount of interest. Hopefully we can built a decent mini-community of riders with common riding goals and style.
Just a reminder from a rider with a lot of experience with group rides.13 bikes is a lot of people doing a lot of stuff.Things can go wrong very quickly especially with inexperienced riders.Just saying.
Just a reminder from a rider with a lot of experience with group rides.13 bikes is a lot of people doing a lot of stuff.Things can go wrong very quickly especially with inexperienced riders.Just saying.

Things can also go very wrong quickly as a solo experienced rider, but with all that experience you should already know that
Just a reminder from a rider with a lot of experience with group rides.13 bikes is a lot of people doing a lot of stuff.Things can go wrong very quickly especially with inexperienced riders.Just saying.
If you have more than 7 riders it’s always best to break into smaller groups of 6 or less . Safer and a more responsible way to share the road.
Try to find another experienced rider to lead a second group. Make sure he or she knows the route and if the group gets split up by traffic or stop lights, they can meet up at set rendez-vous points like scenic breaks or a lunch spot along the way. That way you're not messing around with cellphones, SMS, WhatsApp on the side of the road.
Just a reminder from a rider with a lot of experience with group rides.13 bikes is a lot of people doing a lot of stuff.Things can go wrong very quickly especially with inexperienced riders.Just saying.
Just to be clear, not necessarily all 13 will ride at once. Some people in the west, some in the east, not everyone has the same schedule. People will also be free to arrange their own rides :)
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