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'Wish I could go back to the 80's and live it all over again...
Best musical era ever...

Been following this particular Chicago gang's rap.

Either Jericho or Boots turned me on to Lil Dicky here in this thread.
Loving this guy lolz


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Either Jericho or Boots turned me on to Lil Dicky here in this thread.
Loving this guy lolz

That dude is pretty talented and funny. I'm not sure if I put this video up, but this video will have some more relevance since legalization is a thing that is going to happen now. Lots of people new to bud not going to be used to this super weed.. lol

Two artist's I've posted here recently, collaborating. Avicii (sad RIP) and Canadian talent Billy Raffoul. EDM is huge. This song has ~50X the hits of the earlier Billy Raffoul song I posted. Nearing 8M views so far this year.

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