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Watched the punk band exploited play in a small ass community centre in Wiltshire, the band opening for them was the cheesiest act I’ve ever seen in my life. Needless to say glue bags were pretty popular at that location .
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Another great song I missed from almost nine years ago. It reminded me early alt/new wave. With the great and unique voice, Joy Division came to mind at some point too. And Interpol as well.
When i read similar thoughts in the comments section I was happy to see I have good memory and comparison skills. Enjoy!
Here's a great great song. Three months old and over 500k views. Big long term Indie cred with this band and a totally new style for them. Lots of 80's synth beat influence with strong emotional and depressing lyrics; a classic nod and modern take on great alt music. With a beautifully unique and creative video that so many Indie artists excel at. Inspired by US politics and Trump.
Amazing song and find for me. Enjoy!

Especially on headphones!! :) It sounds so great on headphones; this song really shines with side to side detail in the soundscape, notably so on open-back headphones. Do it. :thumbup:.
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Another great song here. I'm firmly embracing this musical renaissance, and finding excellent new music almost daily. I've posted about this band before here :).

Highly recommended. Three quarters of a year old with 2.9M views. Another great story-based artistic video with lots of old-school Americana (or country-Canadiana). And there's a tie-in at the end to a more universal theme. I also see diversity woven in.

Headphones again work well.

A new Muse song and something to entertain you this weekend eve. Over 7 million views and 1.5 months old. It's a popular world-wide band with great music.

Thought Contagion. (But don't read below the video if you don't want the song potentially wrecked :p with an amusing anecdote)


Okay, if you're down here you want to know and be entertained. :). Listen when the chorus comes around for "F'n(g) Satan" instead of thought contagion. Once you hear it you will never unhear it, so you're locked in now :). It's pretty obvious to me, so much so that I believe when producing the song the band and producer meant to do that entendre. Crazy.

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Uyanga Bold has a heavenly voice
Smalltown Bringdown, hadn't heard it for a while, brought back some great memories -- made me drop a tear or two.
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