This is not a race thing, it's a generational thing.
It's very common for millennials to be "bubblewrapped" against risks by their parents. It starts young, it's dangerous to walk to school so they are driven. It's dangerous to ride minibikes, play contact sports, ski, snowboard so they play on their game consoles, phones and computers. It's dangerous to be out on their own at 18, so they stay with mom and dad till they're 28.
Not all of them, but a lot of them. I have 3 kids in their 20s, it amazes me how many of their adult friends still live with their parents. When I look back at my youth, getting a drive to school meant you rode the schoolbus, lots of us had dirtbikes, we played tackle football at recess, and most played at least one contact sport. You left home right after finishing school.
Things change.