Now that you've identified a need, buy some tools, quit your job and fulfill it. That, or make an appointment. I waited months on parts because of the Tsunami at one place, asked when it would be ready, gave them an extra day and a half, took a 5 hour bus ride, then TTC to the place, intending to ride it home, and they were still working on it. When the guy was done, I got about a half a block before it failed. It never did work 100%, although I didn't know it at the time, and failed again within a couple of years. Hope I wasn't bumped for an unplanned tire change.\ The place was a victim of it's own success, having to hire sub-par mechanics, or cut corners, just because they had way too much work. There are people on this site who could do it, and show you how to do it yourself, but you'd have to be nice about it, and familiar with the crowd.