Tragically Hip - Last Song Predictions


Well-known member
So I'm curious. What does everyone think the last song, played live, by the Tragically Hip will ever be?
I'm leaning towards:
Courage (self explanatory)
Last American Exit (first song that gave them any sort of fame, sort of fitting it may be their last).

It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken

Very apt given Gord's situation.
Why do I feel this is the 50yr old white guy thread
Always Look at the Bright Side of Life

CP24 just reported that the Hip may do more shows, depending on Gord's health.

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His voice was there at the show I saw. Was obviously fatigued at the end but put on an amazing performance. He had to check a teleprompter from time to time for the lyrics. Courage indeed... They would randomly play at the Toucan when I was at Queens. Little mini sets. Very lucky if you caught one. Nice guys... Amazing career and such a Canadian phenomenon.
Police motorcycle skills competition finals in Kingston today too (off there in a bit, from practice yesterday a Quebec guy on a Beamer looks in with a shout), there's the power boat poker run too and the hip concert and then tomorrow the Macinnon Brothers (a local brewery) music festival nearby in Bath. Busy weekend.
Also...20 thousand people expected in Kingston. The arena only hold 6k, the rest will be heading downtown for the big screen in market square that's showing the concert live. Some people have rented rooftop patios for $7k for a view of that. I'm not a hip fan so I'm avoiding downtown like the plague today.
Police motorcycle skills competition finals in Kingston today too (off there in a bit, from practice yesterday a Quebec guy on a Beamer looks in with a shout), there's the power boat poker run too and the hip concert and then tomorrow the Macinnon Brothers (a local brewery) music festival nearby in Bath. Busy weekend.

The two power boat run starts that I saw were impressive enough. Some nice machines out there.

Downtown Kingston is a zoo, line-up for souvenir t-shirts and posters at a stand in front of the K-ROK Centre was over a block long.

Donwtown streets around Market Square are mostly closed to traffic, setting up for one hell of a street party.
Why do I feel this is the 50yr old white guy thread

Cant say I'm 50...
Maybe you'll understand when Justin Bieber (thankfully) retires.
Cant say I'm 50...
Maybe you'll understand when Justin Bieber (thankfully) retires.

49yo white dude here and proud of it.

Bieber's 15-mins is already up. The Hip have lasted over 30 years and are a cultural phenomena to all of Canada; in 30 years no one will remember anyone named Bieber existed.
Managed to watch 3 songs on the live stream from you tube and then I remembered why I don't like the hip. The guy can't sing.
Managed to watch 3 songs on the live stream from you tube and then I remembered why I don't like the hip. The guy can't sing.
Well... he is sure off tonight. His voice is polarizing for sure. He was much better when I saw them at the ACC. Not sure if he has lost his voice, if his monitors are off, or if it is something else. How sad that what might be their last full concert Gord is not up to snuff.
Managed to watch 3 songs on the live stream from you tube and then I remembered why I don't like the hip. The guy can't sing.

Could you be any more of a jackass? Many of us here grew up with this band, and whether he can sing or not he is a poet with great Canadiana songs. The guy is dying of cancer and doing a last hurrah for us fans... if you are not a fan, then piss off out of this thread. Jackass.
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