50 shot dead - Orlando shooting


I am surprised a thread was not started yet.
Insane! It seemed to be like shooting fish in a barrel.
What gun or guns did he use?
Sad to say but others will follow to try to break the 'record'.

Orlando, Florida (CNN)An American-born man who'd pledged allegiance to ISIS gunned down 49 people early Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the deadliest mass shooting in the United States and the nation's worst terror attack since 9/11, authorities said.

* The gunman, Omar Mateen, 29, of Fort Pierce, Florida, was interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 but was not found to be a threat, the FBI said.

Two incidents happened in FL that weekend. Both sad, RIP Christina Grimmie and those involved in the nightclub attack. :(

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He used a ar-15 type variant rifle and a pistol. So much damage from one man, imagine a team of 4 guys doing this and the destruction that could happen, just a matter of time as sad as it is
He used a ar-15 type variant rifle and a pistol. So much damage from one man, imagine a team of 4 guys doing this and the destruction that could happen, just a matter of time as sad as it is

I am really surprised that there are not more Boston bomber types. The type that want fame also and take a simple home made device into large crowds.
They keep saying there seems to be a lot of mental health issues plus access to drugs plus internet sites that push these ppl further.

When I first saw 50 dead and the fact they keep saying the largest mass killing in US history, made me say to myself wth are they doing trying to incite some other nut to top that number. I guess freedom of press trumps all common sense and reasonable sense of promoting others...they could have agreed and said shooting in a club several ppl seriously hurt...but now with social media all the gory details are posted in 2 minuted with photos and videos.
I think fatigue from NA mass shootings delayed discussion of this in a lot of places.

He used a ar-15 type variant rifle and a pistol. So much damage from one man, imagine a team of 4 guys doing this and the destruction that could happen, just a matter of time as sad as it is

Supposedly it was a plain old regular semi-auto AR-15 and the plainest of Glocks, a Glock 17.
He used a ar-15 type variant rifle and a pistol. So much damage from one man, imagine a team of 4 guys doing this and the destruction that could happen, just a matter of time as sad as it is
That already happened in France.
I'm against this type of mass shooting:angry7:
When I first saw 50 dead and the fact they keep saying the largest mass killing in US history, made me say to myself wth are they doing trying to incite some other nut to top that number. I guess freedom of press trumps all common sense and reasonable sense of promoting others...they could have agreed and said shooting in a club several ppl seriously hurt...but now with social media all the gory details are posted in 2 minuted with photos and videos.

There is a method to the madness. The government and left leaning media outlets want to see tightened gun restrictions (note: this is not a commentary nor statement of position) and to rally support for such a movement, the message needs to be "things are worse than they've ever been", regardless of fact. Let me point you to another incident of prejudicial violence in US history


As you can see, you can't exactly trust media to be honest in their statements anymore. I'd like to think these types of things are done by accident, but I truly can not believe journalist are not capable of doing simple google searches
As you can see, you can't exactly trust media to be honest in their statements anymore. I'd like to think these types of things are done by accident, but I truly can not believe journalist are not capable of doing simple google searches

All about getting their article out fast before anyone else does to get viewers. Cross-checking and researching takes time which gives other journalists a chance to release the news first. Regardless of whether the article released is true or not doesn't matter as people will believe what they read/see. Take Fox news for example...

The majority will take the journalist's word for it and go on with their daily lives.

Trump says it all with, "I love the poorly educated" for that very purpose.

This is still a horrible tragedy nonetheless...
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It might be the largest mass murder by one individual. There have been larger scale mass killings in the US, perhaps just committed by a group of persons and many decades ago... Wounded knee...
It's good to get a historical perspective. I'd hate to take these public slaughters out of context.
Please amend the OP to not include the killers name. These scumbags don't deserve any recognition and the newsertainment cycle encourages copycats by making them famous.
I don't know what is sad, the politician using this to take away people's right and constitution or the conspiracy theorists claim this is setup by government.

But i believe the root of these incidents is money, religion and ****** parenting. His parents can act all innocent but I'm sure as hell they encourage the hate of gays and lesbian. In fact every middle easterns i met have this hate.
I know it's a tired old cliche but "education" would solve a lot of these problems. All people should be indoctrinated into not imagining heavy man on man thrusting whenever the word gay is uttered. That would solve half of it right there. The lesbo part would solve the other half. Maybe the "communitee" could rewrite John Lennons' "Imagine" to "Unimagine" and pound it into every kids' concsiousness by the age of six like they do with the Star Spangled Banner.
and pound it into every kids' "concsiousness" by the age of six
the greeks used to do that!

im all for freedom and rights to carry weapons (somewhat) but why the hell does anyone need a civilian version of an m4 (ar15)in their house? is there a swat squad thats going to illegally attack you and take your belonging so you need to take em all down?
its not a hunting rifle....
its too big to be comfortably used in close quarters...
and the number of rounds in it is just excessive for "personal protection"

all this licensing for transportation and moving around in a car but for weapons, its only a fraction of the requirements for driving a car. WHAT GIVES.

and also agree with what CBCANADA posted. I put my money on obama cause he's definitely fitter than trump.
Hilary could just sit her big @$$ on trump and win.
all this licensing for transportation and moving around in a car but for weapons, its only a fraction of the requirements for driving a car. WHAT GIVES.

I don't know the laws in Orlando but for those in Canada it is much harder to to get an ar15 than to get your driver's license
the greeks used to do that!

im all for freedom and rights to carry weapons (somewhat) but why the hell does anyone need a civilian version of an m4 (ar15)in their house? is there a swat squad thats going to illegally attack you and take your belonging so you need to take em all down?
its not a hunting rifle....
its too big to be comfortably used in close quarters...
and the number of rounds in it is just excessive for "personal protection"

all this licensing for transportation and moving around in a car but for weapons, its only a fraction of the requirements for driving a car. WHAT GIVES.

and also agree with what CBCANADA posted. I put my money on obama cause he's definitely fitter than trump.
Hilary could just sit her big @$$ on trump and win.

What cbcanada posted is an unobtainable dream. You don't just "ban guns" in a country with more guns than people. It's ludicrous. Not only that, but guns are intertwined in their culture. It ain't going away.

And on topic of "why does anyone need an AR15 in their house" the answer is "because I want one", plain and simple. If you legitimize civilian ownership of firearms for self-defense (as you should) then it's ridiculous to stipulate some arbitrary limit on what that gun should be. Many hunting rifles pack a lot more firepower than a pea-shooter .223 AR-15, and they come with similar box-fed magazines. Furthermore, if I'm buying a gun for home protection, why would I voluntarily arm myself with something sub-par? A box-fed semi automatic rifle is an EXCELLENT choice for home defense.
Another piece of terrorist scum chose to murder people in a gun-free zone (in Florida, you're not allowed to carry in a drinking establishment). Why am I not surprised?
I don't know the laws in Orlando but for those in Canada it is much harder to to get an ar15 than to get your driver's license

Right... but that only arbitrarily applies to the AR-15. Common semi-auto rifles are Mini 14s, SKSs... others, for example: http://www.huntinggearguy.com/rifle-reviews/top-10-non-restricted-black-rifles-in-canada/

Take a good hard look at that Ruger Mini 14 in that list, and remember THAT is the weapon that was used in the 2011 Norway attacks. All the "assault rifle" rhetoric is ********, chaff, etc.

Canada DOES have a law that would somewhat have hindered this attack if it were 100% effective, which is limiting rifle magazines to only five rounds. California's "assault weapon" ban would prohibit detachable magazines on most of those rifles... except the Ruger Mini 14. Australia bans semi-auto rifles entirely.
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