Can't fix stupid

Slim Jim

Well-known member
The Liberals want to eliminate natural gas for heating on Ontario. They say future built homes week have to be heated by electric or geothermal, existing homes will have to be converted. They really are doing drugs at Queen's Park.
I know nothing about this story but here's my considered opinion. The Liberals have no desire for us to give up natural gas for heating but are laying this initial foundation as a negotiating tactic to better manipulate the price of natural gas in the distant future because paid for and/or installed NG politicians.
The reliance on fossil fuel mandate does make sense. The Liberals will not make it any easier to own a home, maintain a building or cover the costs of the house you already own. The fairly poor managemnet of Hydro1 / power ontario should be all we need to see.
Watching the Wynn show in action is very painful.
Energy poverty for all

Liberal campaign slogan next election; and they'll win. I heart Ontarians.
They're insane.

Just recently in the news we heard from seniors who were encouraged in the 1960s and 1970s to convert to electricity to heat their homes. We heard about them because electricity prices have increased to the point many can't afford to heat their homes comfortably anymore. And this is the path the Liberals are trying to push again?

Einstein posited that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over expecting a different result.

Ironically, it appears that Ontario voters are also insane for continuing to vote these turds into power.

Fortunately, the timelines for this nonsense are such that there's a good chance voters will come to their senses and turf them -- in favor of more sensible, down to earth leadership -- before they can do much more damage to the province.
What we need is an energy plan (50+ years, thinking long term) that is NOT tied to a political agenda.

Sit on a board for 10 years, first 5 you mentor with someone, last 5 you mentor the next wave. Figure out a plan, gas, nuke, hydro I really don't care. But we need a plan, we need to stick with it and we need political parties to stay the **** out.

Ontario hydro - whole idea was cheap reliable energy for the citizens of ontario. Great concept. We need to get back to that.
I won't be surprised if they want to ban gasoline next
I won't be surprised if they want to ban gasoline next

They have effectively banned coal, and in more and more cities you can no longer install wood-burning appliances or fireplaces in a home new-build or renovation.

There is a serious push to take non-renewable or pollution-emitting fuels out of the picture, and there are a lot of opinions as to the best way to do so. Trial balloons like this tend to encourage people to think out of the box. Electric heat is getting a lot more efficient as are home insulation standards, and modern day state-of-the-art electric-based heating is a lot different from the old baseboard heating fixtures of the 60s and 70s.

And yes, it is just a matter of time before gasoline-powered vehicles go by the wayside, just as steam-powered cars did years ago.
Why is it that I have yet to meet one person that will admit they voted for Wynn?

True story, rare time I took the TTC subway yesterday and I said to the lady in the booth, hey, don't take this the wrong way but you look like you might be related to KW. She got ******, I said remember I said don't take this the wrong way, lol. She said she gets it all the time. I said maybe it's the hair style.
She says god I can't stand that woman. I said I hear you, got to go.

Who the hell will be brave enough to admit you voted for Wynn? Clearly this is a majority of you.
Come on we all know who voted for Wynn, everybody sucking on the Government's teat. Teachers, civil servants, unions and everybody else who thinks the inmates should be running the jail!
They have effectively banned coal, and in more and more cities you can no longer install wood-burning appliances or fireplaces in a home new-build or renovation.

There is a serious push to take non-renewable or pollution-emitting fuels out of the picture, and there are a lot of opinions as to the best way to do so. Trial balloons like this tend to encourage people to think out of the box. Electric heat is getting a lot more efficient as are home insulation standards, and modern day state-of-the-art electric-based heating is a lot different from the old baseboard heating fixtures of the 60s and 70s.

And yes, it is just a matter of time before gasoline-powered vehicles go by the wayside, just as steam-powered cars did years ago.

You do know that nearly 30% of Ontario electricity is generated by BURNING natural gas don't you? A number that has been increasing steadily to supplement unreliable wind and solar generation; and it will only rise with the inevitable increase in demand should everyone be forced to switch to electric heat. To quote an article in the sun (which I RARELY do) "It’s a scheme of which the Mad Hatter would approve. In a word, it’s bonkers." I think that about sums it up

As for steam engines, they went by the wayside for efficiency reasons. Internal combustion offered massive gains in efficiency. Electric vehicles on the other hand are in no way more efficient than the internal combustion vehicles; the energy is just created elsewhere. This modern day shift is being pushed by perception, not technological breakthrough. On that note, the willingness of the eco movement to turn a blind eye to the toxicity of current battery technology, and the massive environmental impact of mining rare earth metals always astonishes me. Take a look at a pic of a rare earth mine, then look at the "dreadful" oil sands... tell me with a straight face how much "better for the environment" all this carbon reduction malarkey really is :rolleyes:
Come on we all know who voted for Wynn, everybody sucking on the Government's teat. Teachers, civil servants, unions and everybody else who thinks the inmates should be running the jail!

I'm a civil servant. I voted for the Marxist party
We have another 2 years until the next Provincial elections... Please get Wynne out. =/
If the liberals had their way we would regress back to the stone age where we have no modern conveniences
Let's say this was implemented today, AND we all magically got free electric furnaces that work and didn't cost the government anything.

What would the difference in heating costs likely be? It would be a lot, I know that much. I mean, I literally don't personally know a single human with electric heating.
I have a woodstove, gas furnace, and electric heat in the shop. Wood cost is about the same as gas. Electric is 3 or 4 times that ...
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