In Toronto? Really?!!

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So he feels justified assaulting someone who points out that sex with a 9 year old child is actually paedophilia? The world is doomed.
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I use to blame this on religion until I did some reading and realized religion is like firing ideas onto a wall (people) and seeing what sticks.

People say Muslim religion is messed up because it tells them to kill those who do not believe in the same God. Meanwhile the Bible does the exact same thing. The only difference between them is that one side has evolved enough to understand right from wrong and one hasn't. That's what it comes down to imo.

If you told a caveman that his entire family will die of a volcanic eruption unless he kills his first born, he would probably do it.

If you told an educated person of today that his family will die from a volcanic eruption if he doesn't kill his first born, he would probably just cancel the family valcano seeing trip and go to Disneyland instead.

That's how I see it. Please don't take it personal.
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People say Muslim religion is messed up because it tells them to kill those who do not believe in the same God. Meanwhile the Bible does the exact same thing. The only difference between them is that one side has evolved enough to understand right from wrong and one hasn't.

The fatal flaw in your argument is that side that hasn't "evolved enough" has evolved enough to record beheadings on their cell phones and upload+post them to their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
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The fatal flaw in your argument is that side that hasn't "evolved enough" has evolved enough to record beheadings on their cell phones and upload+post them to their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Maybe evolved isn't the right word. But knowing right from wrong is a very basic part of being human. If someone doesn't see why its wrong to have sex with a 9 year old there is something wrong mentally with that individual.
No different than any other cult where people are programmed to believe non-sensical dogma.

2000 years ago people were ignorant and didn't know better. Today there is no excuse for child sex abuse regardless of who you are or what you believe and this applies to many cults and religions, not just islam
No different than any other cult where people are programmed to believe non-sensical dogma.

2000 years ago people were ignorant and didn't know better. Today there is no excuse for child sex abuse regardless of who you are or what you believe and this applies to many cults and religions, not just islam

2000 years ago? Less than 200 years ago the legal age of consent in many US states was 10 years of age. In Delaware it was 7. Recall that the laws of the United States were based largely on Judeo-Christian values.

In any case, 2000 years ago young brides were a matter not of ignorance but of a given people or tribe's demographic survival.

Trying to apply morality standards from today's societies to yesterday's is folly. Morality, especially in threatened or otherwise vulnerable societies develops in large part according to the functional needs of that society and what needs to be done in order to survive Child brides were a remnant of a time when infant mortality rates were almost the same as infant-survivor rates, and when overall lifespans were very short compared to today's standards. The survival of a society depended on its ability to keep its population at least stable and preferably growing so as to be able to fill agricultural labour needs as well as build strength in numbers to be able to ward off aggression from other neighbouring societies.

You could argue that in some parts of today's third and fourth worlds that this is still at issue even if only on small localized tribal levels, though clearly it is no longer so in any of the first or second world nations of today.
Part of the problem here, is that ignorant people take a single sentence out of a thousand year+ old book, and have no context for it. So they make it fit what they believe.
And another part of the problem is that while one of the major mainstream religions went through something called "Enlightenment" in the 17th century, we're still basically waiting for the other one to go through that same "revolution."
If "those people" were'nt grinding it out in a rock strewn sandbox for centuries but had an actual economy complete with world class race circuits and a feeder system to support same, they'd probably be doing stand up wheelies on the auto route like the rest of us. It's a mad mad mad world.
And another part of the problem is that while one of the major mainstream religions went through something called "Enlightenment" in the 17th century, we're still basically waiting for the other one to go through that same "revolution."

You do realize that there are christian priests from the u.s. travelling to african countries telling the locals that they should execute gays...

That "enlightenment" hasn't stopped them from putting their peckers where they don't belong either.
You do realize that there are christian priests from the u.s. travelling to african countries telling the locals that they should execute gays...

That "enlightenment" hasn't stopped them from putting their peckers where they don't belong either.

One third of the world's population is "Christian". You're focusing on the actions of a few CINO (Christians in name only) that go on these trips and do these things as what, some sort of indication that Enlightenment didn't change the trajectory of human socio-economic development in the Western world?

Contrast this to living conditions for all but the most fortunate (fighting age males, for example) in most of the Muslim world. From North Africa to Syria to Yemen to Iran to Saudi Arabia to any "stan" country to southeast Asia, a great many Muslims live in pre-Enlightenment societies ruled by majorities of old-school clerics and militias and live among things like "vice squads" etc.

One thing I've wondered is that of timelines. There was a time when the Muslim world ruled science, astronomy, literature etc. Look at star charts; many of the names you see for visible stars are Arabic in origin. The word "algebra" has roots in Arabic words like "al-jabr." This was known as the "Golden Age" and marked an era of flourishing economies, science and so on. I sometimes wonder if that was not Islam's "Enlightenment" which collapsed over time, for watever reason, to what we see now. I further wonder if that's the trajectory Christianity faces; its enlightenment in the 17th century marked a high-point but the trajectory has been back downward again since. For example, this is very visible in vast swaths of the southern US where millions of Christian evangelicals fund Israel in a hope to bring about the apocalypse...
Your off the wall suggestion that all religious people of your chosen scorn are crazies is about as valid as taking the above statements from Christianity (to list but two of the many crazy things in their book) and suggesting that all Christians are equally as crazy. Some are, but that's another story - most are most certainly not.

They are all equally as crazy, in that they all equally believe in the same (imaginary) deity. It's the single common theme that propagates all this nonsense; a sincere belief in the unbelieveable, fostering further beliefs which are equally as unbelieveable.
You do realize that there are christian priests from the u.s. travelling to african countries telling the locals that they should execute gays...

That "enlightenment" hasn't stopped them from putting their peckers where they don't belong either.

That was a "Doctor" and he was from Europe, as far as I know. Was also telling people not to take their AZT, saying it was Big Pharma trying to poison them, and use his vitamins instead.
2000 years ago? Less than 200 years ago the legal age of consent in many US states was 10 years of age. In Delaware it was 7. Recall that the laws of the United States were based largely on Judeo-Christian values.

In any case, 2000 years ago young brides were a matter not of ignorance but of a given people or tribe's demographic survival.

Trying to apply morality standards from today's societies to yesterday's is folly. Morality, especially in threatened or otherwise vulnerable societies develops in large part according to the functional needs of that society and what needs to be done in order to survive Child brides were a remnant of a time when infant mortality rates were almost the same as infant-survivor rates, and when overall lifespans were very short compared to today's standards. The survival of a society depended on its ability to keep its population at least stable and preferably growing so as to be able to fill agricultural labour needs as well as build strength in numbers to be able to ward off aggression from other neighbouring societies.

You could argue that in some parts of today's third and fourth worlds that this is still at issue even if only on small localized tribal levels, though clearly it is no longer so in any of the first or second world nations of today.

Maybe I'm ignorant but I still don't get the point. I understand that people married younger back in the day, but the onset of puberty was later (they were not full of all the growth hormones we consume today) so how does having sex with a 7 year old that can't possibly conceive a child help to replenish the population?
I guess all of us Christians should be sacrificing our first born sons, after all its in the book.
They are all equally as crazy, in that they all equally believe in the same (imaginary) deity. It's the single common theme that propagates all this nonsense; a sincere belief in the unbelieveable, fostering further beliefs which are equally as unbelieveable.

No, not equally as crazy. A lot of Christians use their faith as a coping strategy for this crazy world and abiding by the ten commandments, strive to never hurt anybody. These people don't get a lot of press. A lot of non Christians get equally as tunnel visioned about bogus pursuits as a coping strategy.
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