Cop kills 5-year old. No charges.


Well-known member
I am not normally one to post about this kind of stuff. However, this is just ridiculous.


The family of a five-year-old boy is considering its legal options upon learning that a police officer will not be charged after his unmarked cruiser slammed into their car, killing the child.The boy died on Feb. 13, after an unmarked Surete du Quebec cruiser slammed into his father's car as it was making a left-hand turn on a residential street in Longeuil.

Investigators with Montreal Police, the force that took over the investigation, informed the family last week that the officer will not face charges, even though he was speeding at the time of the collision.

The speed limit on the street was 50 km/h.The officer was travelling 122 km/h right before the accident and tried to slam on the brakes, investigators told the boy's family. The cruiser hit the family's car at a speed of 90 km/h.

The officer was not responding to a call or to an emergency, CTV Montreal's Maya Johnson reported Wednesday. The Crown does not have to give its reasoning when it decides not to lay charges.
“Every person is guilty of the offence of careless driving and driving carelessly who drives a vehicle on a highway without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway, and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than $200 and not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both, and in addition his or her licence or permit may be suspended for a period of not more than two years.”
The cop was:
-speeding while not on call
-not using lights & sound
-doing 122 in a 50, while there is clearly snow in the streets, through an intersection
and these actions resulted in the death of a person. If you accept all the previous as fact, how can you not find a charge to lay?
The cop was:
-speeding while not on call
-not using lights & sound
-doing 122 in a 50, while there is clearly snow in the streets, through an intersection
and these actions resulted in the death of a person. If you accept all the previous as fact, how can you not find a charge to lay?

Because "The Crown does not have to give its reasoning when it decides not to lay charges." BS
He was not responding to a call, doing 122 on residential streets. This is definitely, absolutely, wrong. Is there no common sense left in this country?

EDIT: I just saw the video... realized it is a black family who lost a child.
Is RACE not a factor here? It is shocking that this is not being handled better, even if it is only for appearances' sake.
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The cop was:
-speeding while not on call
-not using lights & sound
-doing 122 in a 50, while there is clearly snow in the streets, through an intersection
and these actions resulted in the death of a person. If you accept all the previous as fact, how can you not find a charge to lay?

This is a disgrace. I'm sick to my stomach.
Their reasoning? Why inconvenience a good career/life with charges when everybody knows none of this would have happened had the black family's leader not turned left when it was clearly unsafe to do so.
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You people are just now picking up on how things have changed within the "justice system?"
I think their reasoning is the guy was making a left hand turn. If it was a motorcycle doing that speed and the guy turned left in front of him we would have everyone and his brother on here saying, another left hand turner, this has to stop, etc. In not defending the cop, he should be charged, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy on this site.
Actually, no. If the same evidence was presented, no-one would have defended the rider here. No hypocrisy. We've seen it already with that UK rider death video.

Merely turning left is different than the oncoming car doing 122 in 50. The expectation for predicting oncoming traffic pattern is within reasonable speed difference of the speed limit. Motorcycles crash into guide rails and with mo injuries the riders get charged with Careless.

Had a civilian done that, the cops would have strung him up by his balls.

The justice system failed this man. If he decided to exact his own justice on the cop i wouldn't be surprised or outraged.
The justice system failed this man. If he decided to exact his own justice on the cop i wouldn't be surprised or outraged.

Neither would I but I think the "failed justice system" is even more maddening. The message that sends to the population is chilling. Somebody in that office needs be shot also.
Based solely on what has been made public in this case, it certainly should have resulted in Criminal Code charges.
Actually, no. If the same evidence was presented, no-one would have defended the rider here. No hypocrisy. We've seen it already with that UK rider death video.

Merely turning left is different than the oncoming car doing 122 in 50. The expectation for predicting oncoming traffic pattern is within reasonable speed difference of the speed limit. Motorcycles crash into guide rails and with mo injuries the riders get charged with Careless.

Had a civilian done that, the cops would have strung him up by his balls.

The justice system failed this man. If he decided to exact his own justice on the cop i wouldn't be surprised or outraged.
That's BS I've seen it on here many times. Riders have two rules, one for them and one for everyone else. I agree the system failed him, I'm not saying it didn't, I'm pointing out the fact that riders look at it different if it's a bike involved.
Riders have two rules, one for them and one for everyone else.

And you're doing exactly the same thing right now despite overwhelmingly clear evidence riders show a wide range of opinions coming from all kinds of backgrounds. You can't be on this forum for any length of time and not know that. Why are you attributing one mindset from one type of rider to the group in general. Do you have an agenda or are you just obtuse?
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The problem is the justice system favors the accused. All the accused has to prove is that there is a 1% chance they did not commit the crime. The Crown has to prove 100% that the crime was committed. Another way to say this is the accused has to be found beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she is guilty any doubt and no conviction. This is how rapiststs, pedophiles, thief's etc get off what seem to be clear acts of crime everyday.

I don't know the facts in this case but I am assuming they are relying on some sort of GPS system to arrive at the speed the car was traveling. If the system wasn't tested and documented the argument could be made it was inaccurate and the evidence thrown out. The Crown would have no case to prove the officer was 100% guilty. No point on wasting the courts time and the taxpayers money.

The ultimate outcom is the whole thing is a brutally sad story with no winners. Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
If it wasn't a cop car speeding, just an everyday driver doing the same thing, would the result be any different?
The problem is the justice system favors the accused. All the accused has to prove is that there is a 1% chance they did not commit the crime. The Crown has to prove 100% that the crime was committed. Another way to say this is the accused has to be found beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she is guilty any doubt and no conviction. This is how rapiststs, pedophiles, thief's etc get off what seem to be clear acts of crime everyday.

I don't know the facts in this case but I am assuming they are relying on some sort of GPS system to arrive at the speed the car was traveling. If the system wasn't tested and documented the argument could be made it was inaccurate and the evidence thrown out. The Crown would have no case to prove the officer was 100% guilty. No point on wasting the courts time and the taxpayers money.

The ultimate outcom is the whole thing is a brutally sad story with no winners. Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

Speed at time of collision was 90 km/h. I don't know whether this was from a data recorder or accident reconstruction, but reconstruction is accurate enough to prove that the car was grossly speeding at the time of impact.

New information just came out, 4 undercover cars were trailing a corruption suspect (M Parent) and were worried they would lose the car, so they were driving like complete ******** to catch up. IMO, the officer and their incompetent supervisor should be charged for running an ill-planned and deadly operation. What's the problem with a gps tracker or helicopter?
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