Condo harassing me

I try to not associate with renters of any stripe but second hand info via folklore seems to suggest renter holds the upper in any two way dick swinging deal. Did I get bad information?

Not when it comes to simple parking rules.
Rental building? and you are worried about a notice why? Do you know how hard it is to evict a tenant? even more if that person is paying the rent on time.

Ignore it, i know it sounds like bad advice but good luck to them trying to enforce it, if it was a condo and you owned it, then that would be a different story.

Do however make notes of all interactions with the landlord, including time and date and plenty of detail, if they do take you to court, which won't happen, you have enough info to explain why you are ignoring the 'rules' including the fact they are not enforcing it with any other tenant .

The whole building is a rental building. I was referring to the management as the landlord.

I will be out of ontario in the next two years. Doesn't make much sense to buy anything. Thx for reaching gtam.

Good idea to catch him sleep.
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He got accused of doing something he didn't do, I would have been a super prick
The life lesson here is: nice guys get perks. OP, stop being a sourpuss, and start being nice to people!
Epic fail. Everyone knows you bring your bike inside your apartment if you're renting.

Pretty sure Peggy-Sue did a post on DIY balcony ramps. Do a search.
wow, just plain wow. Advice on how to be a prick tenant, shouldn't be a problem, just be yourself.......
The whole building is a rental building. I was referring to the management as the landlord.

I will be out of ontario in the next two years. Doesn't make much sense to buy anything. Thx for reaching gtam.

Good idea to catch him sleep.

Ofcourse it makes sense to buy something! Only suckers rent bro!!!!!!

(maintenance fees, special assessments, interest on the mortgage, taxes, and 5% when you sell is nothing these days. you'll make it all back when you sell ;) )
Ofcourse it makes sense to buy something! Only suckers rent bro!!!!!!

(maintenance fees, special assessments, interest on the mortgage, taxes, and 5% when you sell is nothing these days. you'll make it all back when you sell ;) )

Ouch. Big eye opener. Splash of cold water. Reality/gut check.
My wife used to get into all kinds of big hassles with the security guard at our old building. I used to have to then go down and make peace with the guy. I actually like to treat them well, because they're usually much nicer people than the owners. Anyway, they can make your life miserable, as you've found. Not to mention that some underground garages are shopping malls for car and bike thieves. I had a car stolen from one, along with a dozen or so other people. Best to get along with them and try and make their life easier, since they're watching your stuff for you. I'm not sure that I'd try to blackmail someone, or listen to a plan to do so, from the Internet, but that may be just me. Maybe try asking the guy in a friendly way, if there's somewhere you can put the bike that's out of his way, but still safe?
Just buy the whole building and make your own rules .... I hope I have not missed the point of the thread.
Ofcourse it makes sense to buy something! Only suckers rent bro!!!!!!

(maintenance fees, special assessments, interest on the mortgage, taxes, and 5% when you sell is nothing these days. you'll make it all back when you sell ;) )

Butbutbutbutbutbut equity! It's a magic talisman! Equity means you're winning right?!

Man, seriously, every time condos get mentioned all I can think "Oh, all the problems of home ownership and none of the benefits. Cool."
Butbutbutbutbutbut equity! It's a magic talisman! Equity means you're winning right?!

Man, seriously, every time condos get mentioned all I can think "Oh, all the problems of home ownership and none of the benefits. Cool."
But I don't wanna shovel snow & I want a good view above my balcony
With a condo, you've got a mortgage almost as much as for a house, plus condo fees almost as much as rent.
With a condo, you've got a mortgage almost as much as for a house, plus condo fees almost as much as rent.

nonsense. find me a house in the city for less than $350K that is not falling apart.

condo fees almost as much as rent.... lol.

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