new rider excited but nervous :)


Well-known member
I got my M1 and M2 last summer but I wasn't able to purchase a bike, I've been working hard and I'm finally ready. But I'm also a little nervous! I haven't been riding since! Will I have forgotten everything?! :))
hey congrats on getting your license!!!
everyone get nervous now and then but just remember to take it slow and everything will come back
like second nature !!
stephym take your time you didnt forget but do start slow and do a few rides around empty streets before hitting real traffic
The nervousness will quickly turn into excitement. Just take 'er easy, practice what you've been taught in a safe area and you'll be ok.
Find the closest empty mall parking lot and go there on a sunday after they close and practice for an hour or two, especially slow speed stuff. Just practice all the things you remember them teaching you. I see your sig says Mississauga. So Square One is probably close to you, however their security tend to ride around their lot often. I'd go to Sherway Gardens, that's where i practiced. On the far North/East side of their lot facing the Queensway there is a big section that is always empty, lots of people go there to practice. I used that spot when i was learning and i even ran across a couple of cops who came there one Sunday who were also just riding around practicing their slow speed stuff. They came up to me and i was worried they were going to boot me out lol, but they were cool and just came over to tell me to watch out of the corners because there are sometimes screws and bolts from salt trucks that park in the winters there in the corners.

When you have had some parking lot practice then find some not busy side streets, maybe and industrial area on a Sunday without many cars and get practiced at taking corners.

I found the hardest things my first time out on the streets was stalling a few times at stoplights, because of nerves and letting go of the clutch too soon. So practice your clutch control and friction point as much as you can. Also in the beginning i found taking right turns and staying in the right lane when i made the turn a bit hard, the tendency was to turn too wide. So practice slow speed, and practice your turns, those are the most important things i think. Riding fast is easy. As is changing gears. The most difficult things are slow speed manouevers, and getting good clutch control. Just take it slow at first. Doesn't take long.

PS - i still go to the Sherway lot anytime i'm bored and just want to practice my slow speed stuff as i live very close by there. So if you do want to practice there sometime and want a spotter or just company send me a pm here and i'll head over.
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Hey congrats.... I just got my m1 today and I swear I'm so excited that I cant best of luck and enjoy the breeze.. :)
Welcome aboard! Just relax and if you want any tips on riding, talk to Jamie (toysareforboys) :cool:
Welcome . Take it easy . Mistakes could be deadly. Lots of good advice here.
If you're interested, Humber offers an Introduction to Motorcyling course. It's a one night course for $85 (IIRC). It goes through all the basics again, but it can be good just to get all those pre-bike jitters out of your system and get you re-acquainted.
Congrats *biker wave* ride safe. And agreed tons of good advice here. I'll add my one cent and say go YOUR PACE to learn. Theres no rush in trying to keep up with those who have been riding for a while or who 'seem' to be more experienced. You want it to be an enjoyable experience instead of an intimidating fearful one.
Welcome to GTA motorcycle. Remember to motorcycle suit up! Just practice in an empty parking lot you'll pick it back up in no time.
Welcome... Enjoy!
i think ill get over the jitters with some practise but committing to a bike is now what I'm nervous about!
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