Louannes Newfie Fries


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Has anyone here been there? its at 10 side road and Trafalgar

Ive been there many times and love their fries the gravy is good to. been on my bike a few times but i never see any bikes there when i pass by. yet i see tons of bikes up and down Trafalgar in that area.
her prices are good, more than generous sizes.
i like the cougar that works there dresses like a 18yr old mmmm
Cougars & fries? :cool:

Hmmmm... You can get fries & gravy anywhere. The real question is, do they have dressing?
Cougars & fries? :cool:

Hmmmm... You can get fries & gravy anywhere. The real question is, do they have dressing?

Would it be newfie fries with out dressing? ... Of course they do..

And that cougar is an interesting one.
Kittie probably has claws, I'll just go for the fries, dressing & gravy. :D

You can try "The mess" Fries, Dressing, Ground Beef, Cheese and gravy... Havnt tried it yet but heard its pretty good
I've passed by it a few times but was too busy to go in. Since I grew up in Newfoundland I'd really like to go in and try it (the moment I saw the sign I was like "I NEED to go there!")
I'm interested! Need more details...is this a building? A chip truck? What? And on what corner? :thumbup:
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Ahh I see...and Braveheart, I also saw you have a stake in said establishment. Good fries, but I'll skip the dressing/stuffing next time. :)
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