For health reasons, I've decided to sell my Harley. It's a 1998 FLHTC Electra Glide Classic. 1998 was the last year of the Evo engine for FLH's: no computers or fuel injection; just plain old tech. 146K kms (mostly touring; not much city). One owner (me). Basic black in colour. No cosmetic accessories. It's not a beautiful bike to look at but is a comfortable ride when you need to do a few 1000+ kms days to get back home in time for work. Recent upgrades include a new seat, hand grips, etc. Price: TBD (I put $5000 in the listing because it needed a number).
I know this bike won't be of interest to most on GTAM, but if anyone is interested in an oldie but goodie contact me via this LINK. Age ravages us all: with diabetic nerve damage and blurred vision (eye surgery in Sept), I no longer trust my ability to ride safely. Wife says ride it or sell it ... so I'm selling. I'm hoping to find a "good home" for it. Many thanks for reading this far.
I know this bike won't be of interest to most on GTAM, but if anyone is interested in an oldie but goodie contact me via this LINK. Age ravages us all: with diabetic nerve damage and blurred vision (eye surgery in Sept), I no longer trust my ability to ride safely. Wife says ride it or sell it ... so I'm selling. I'm hoping to find a "good home" for it. Many thanks for reading this far.