I was the first one to go down. It was in a sharp left turn. I did not notice the yellow signs.
Here's what I thought happened:
As I was leaned over, my rear tire started losing traction (there was a lot of dirt/dust in the right tire track). I straightened up and grabbed both brakes. Once I hit the grass, I lost all traction and went down.
Here's what actually happened (SeaBreez, feel free to comment):
I entered the turn way too fast, panicked and hit the rear brake (even though I know not to do this), started losing traction, released the rear brake, straightened up, grabbed both brakes. I did not brake in time, hit the grass, lost all traction, and went down.
I was incredibly lucky because the guard rail was to my right, and a hydro pole was to my left. My mistakes were: foolishly trying to keep up with the riders ahead of me, not knowing how fast I was going, not being aware of my surroundings (road signs), and not being aware of the road conditions (dirt/dust on the road). These all contributed to my crash. Do not make my mistakes. I hope I never repeat them.
That being said, read what SeaBreez posted. Those are all questions I did not know to ask before going on this ride. Just because a ride is M1 friendly does not necessarily mean it is newb friendly. Just be aware of your own skill level, because in the end I have no one to blame but myself.